US daredevil to perform million volt show


After being buried alive, nearly drowned and frozen in an ice cube, US magician and daredevil David Blaine is going electric — a million volts of electricity aimed right at him for three days. Starting Friday in New York, he’ll stand on a pillar without sleep or food for 72 hours with nothing but a special metal suit protecting him from being zapped. In the past, Blaine, 39, has been buried, trapped in ice, trapped in a glass box, and spent ridiculously long periods submerged underwater or hanging upside down. He says his latest feat will take him to new limits of endurance. “I don’t think I’ll ever, ever top this,” he told journalists Tuesday.He will be standing on top of a 20-foot (six-meter) column surrounded by seven metallic orbs called tesla coils that will stream the electricity. For the first time in his many public stunts.