India tells UN Kashmir is its ‘integral part’


The Indian external affairs minister told the UN General Assembly on Monday that Kashmir was India’s “integral part” on the ground that the people of the disputed state had chosen their destiny through his country’s democratic process.
“An unwarranted reference has been made to Jammu and Kashmir from this podium,” he said, obviously referring to President Asif Ali Zardari’s speech last week in which he reaffirmed Pakistan’s principled stand that the decades-old dispute should be resolved through negotiations on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions. “Our principled position on the (Kashmir) issue has been consistent and is well known, he said.
“The people of Jammu and Kashmir have chosen and reaffirmed their destiny repeatedly through India’s well established democratic processes. We wish to make it abundantly clear that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India,” SM Krishna added.
“Within South Asia,” Krishna said, “we have sought to enhance bilateral relations individually with each of our neighbours and through the aegis of the SAARC. We have embarked on a resumed dialogue process with Pakistan and advocate a step-by-step approach to normalizing our bilateral relations.”
On Afghanistan, the Indian minister said his country supported the government and people of Afghanistan in their endeavour to build a peaceful, stable, democratic and prosperous country.
“We are ready to partner with the Afghan people as they rebuild their country in accordance with their own priorities and national circumstances. The continuing existence of safe havens and sanctuaries for terrorists beyond Afghanistan’s borders is the major impediment to the restoration of peace and security in Afghanistan,” he said.
“India is committed to creating an enabling environment where the Afghan people can live in peace and security and decide their future themselves, without outside interference, coercion and intimidation.”