Pakistan Today

First a T20 defeat and then old train engines?

The Pakistan Railways is in trouble and an offer of the Indian government to supply 100 engines must be given a serious thought”.
These views were expressed by Pak-India Business Council Chairman Noor Muhammad Kasuri while talking to APP on Sunday.
He said the addition of 100 engines to the Pakistan Railways could pave the way for the revival of the department on which the economy of the country was largely dependent. “Crisis in railways has created a lot of problems for people living in different areas especially in far-flung parts of the country,” he added.
He said India had made the offer as a goodwill gesture and it should be taken in the same spirit.
However, railway experts believe that India is offering engines which were outdated and will not produce desired results.
Daily Passengers Association President Abdul Qayyum said India was offering engines purchased from a US company many decades ago. The company had closed its business 26 years ago over quality concerns, he said.
He further said that Pakistan must purchase engines from companies of good repute and should not repeat the mistake of 2005.
“The Pakistan Railways had spent huge money on the purchase of 69 engines from a Chinese company in 2005 but 50 of them are not working now,” he added.
He said companies with most modern technology should be given preference in purchasing the engines.

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