Pakistan Today

United in cause

The latest protests in most of the Muslim countries all over the world against the makers of profane video about our Holy Prophet (PBUH) give a clear and loud message to the rulers and makers of such indecent video/cartoons that the entire Ummah will never tolerate such acts. It is amply clear that howsoever the Muslims are divided into many sects/schools of thought, they are one when it comes to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This very fact is a vital factor upon which the Muslim rulers must think about for attaining Muslim unity.
The Muslims have firm belief and reverence for all the prophets. We cannot and will not ever think of degrading any other prophet. Like the UNO resolution which made denying Holocaust a crime, OIC must bring up a resolution regarding blasphemy of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a crime in the forthcoming UN General Assembly meeting. Let Pakistan be in the lead to do it. It’s now or never.

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