PTI alone will do the clean up job: Imran Khan


Ruling out the possibility of alliance with any political party for the upcoming elections, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said on Tuesday that the office of the prime minister carries a heavy responsibility and the PTI would fulfill its obligations upon coming into power.
Addressing a gathering of students, Imran said that all political forces were uniting against the PTI, but that it would defeat them all in the next elections. He said that those currently ruling the country were not even capable of representing the people at the Union Council level.
Imran said that cowards could not become leaders, adding that only “real lions”, not the ones of circus, could save the country. Even a jackal is claiming to be a leader of Pakistan these days, the PTI chief said. He said his party would make a new Pakistan in which corrupt politicians would not survive. He said the remedy for the country’s ills was only available with the PTI. “We will eradicate the politics of money from the country,” he added. Imran said the country could generate 3,000 megawatts of electricity by building small dams in Chitral alone, adding that huge reserves of coal were available in Pakistan. Whatever is happening in Pakistan these days is not in the interest of the country, Imran said. “People ruling the country are scared of the US, and they always talk of themselves rather than the people of Pakistan,” he said, adding he gets his guidance from the writings of Allama Iqbal, and was not afraid of anyone except Allah Almighty. Imran said that all his dreams had come true in the past, and he was confident that the dream of a new Pakistan would also be realized in the next few months. He said there was no shortage of resources in Pakistan, but only good governance and merit was required. He said that during the government of Nawaz Sharif, 25,000 people had been recruited in Punjab Police without merit. He added that the rumor had been confirmed by former inspector general of police Abbas in his inquiry report.


    • He will make it happen inshallah , he is a man of words, honest person and he has proven himself and served the nation over and over again showing his sincerity without even coming into power. It is going to be PTI inshallah who will win the match of Corrupt vs an honest man and capable party.

    • You are one another person who is telling imran '' NOT POSSIBLE ''. Do you even know history of these two words in Imran Khan's Life.

    • Imran Khan is a voice of new generation as well as old. Unki baton se legta hai keh kutch ker laingey Pakistan Ki bhalai key liye

  1. “Bari Mushkil se hota hai chamn me deeda war peda”
    Imran khan PAKISTAN need u nd inshaAllah u will be the Prime minister of PAKISTAN .
    After bahtto if I can see the honest nd straight forward man who is IK.
    I solute to ur struggle which is for bright future of our homeland (Pakistan)
    We started feeling guilty with our green passport,We need respect for our passport.
    Only Imran Khan is the last hope of Pakistan.
    God bless him nd wish him all the best.

  2. Oh sure why not charity must begin at home
    As he want to bring revolution in Pakistani education system then
    Why not he inquired about Khursheed Qasuri who in hi sbeachon house school industry taken many government land on throw away prices and built his family business .These land were for community schools but his influence in Govt had made easier to access to these land and he fully got legal cover of this hidden corruption.
    His another wild cat isMakhddom Quesrhsi has almost 100 of ghost schools in his constituency .How can he defy that That quershhi has severe kind of backwardness in his voter areas where they live on income of graves of Sufi.Quershi acknowledged 15 personal houses on his name in EC papers and written its worth as minimum a possible so it just require a day to get data how much he lied on this basic test as per claim of PTI.

    • Nazia , I completely understand where you are coming from , its no use all that what you are saying, time has come for Imran Khan inshallah, and you ll see.

      • I am more desperate to bring change in the system but what the garbage he is dumping in his front yard is telling us that nothing new is coming for us same new bottle with old wine.Khan's new bottle is looking charismatic to his young followers and ladies but his present moves is showing us some different picture.
        As he has not been tried yet and political choices are bleak enough to have some trust worthy leadership so people have no choice.if this sharif and kiyani would have let lawyers movement to come to end without interference of army we then our society had been in better position for some reliable political choices but both crooks made this broth or actually halted the political grooming of field people to topple the corrupt icons of Pakistan.So you choice try for this but I have no impression of IK seeing his poor performance.

      • Shireen mazari just quit IK team if you remember she is one of die hard admirer of Khan as you people considered him Roman god Bacchus,.

    • I tried not to respond to your comments but your baseless alegations pushed me. Is this Qureshi's mistake that people in his constituency are poor.. do you know how funds flow from the top. It means that all your so called leaders Bhutto and his legacy with complete powers did no good to alleviate poverty. In the first place he was a foreign minister and not the chief minister of the province… Do you know what authority or power he had in the present govt. He had differences wtih the govt and when he could not move on, he resigned. Regarding Kasuri if it was so open, why not your party leaders PML(N) kept quite about him. We know their assets and so does everyone else know. If your intellegence reports are so convincing why not ask PML(N) to expoit that in their favour… On other note,,, you will never find angels… you need a reasonable mix and match… you need an honest leader.. thats it…

      • It would have been better if you don't give me unreasonable .Our Foreign, deference and fiance minsters are choices of military establishment and it is is routine for last 30 years. so both had some portfolios and have some ruling block who in all eras multiples their wealth in each govt irrespective of who is ruling.They are so hungry fox they don't resign but are actually thrown away and then they get new getup of nationalism to fool the public.My favorite party leaders are same type.Actually they have close ties inside but behave to be act differently so all like them cover each other for good times to come.There is no mix and match in words and action of IK and that is my point only.

        • Madam… one good instance you saw today is Shireen Mazari out of PTI now. This is the best e.g of making compromises FOR the ideology and not ON the ideology. Everyone in the country is admirer of IK but when self interest conflicts with the ideology, then ideology should prevail. I hope you wont say that establishment didnt support shireen mazari… For last 30 years politicians were in the pocket of the establishment because they had no menifesto or agenda to support their existence. Whereas this time now, we see both and a will to implement as well and this is not a mix and match between words and actions. IK very well said that he will accept everyone in his party even Zardari as well if they work on his (IK) agenda…

          • Zardari will follow IK agenda??? Ik lives in fools world and his words shows too
            by the way what is his agenda.
            he come to cricket via this establishment..General burki was all in all once upon a time who given full opportunity to his son and his cousin to become perfect of cricket.
            He got world cup with defeated team just by chance which is logo of cricket.
            He got hospital because of this fame and establishment backed him under General majeed surveillance as Musharraf respected this family an dhe also voted him too for bringing some revolution with military coup.then suddenly kahn shaib grew up and realized oh man what have I done so he retrieved his stance against military regime by securing his feet in UK soil by marrying lady who belongs to one of richest family of UK.
            Then he again awakened after having two sons and he assessed something else in his mind related to politics so here he is moving to left and talking toward right
            I don't know how long he will take for such repent. till then enjoy repentance statement of shireen mazari.


  4. All democratic forces, including smaller parties should join hands against elites and establishment backed parties like PTI and Imran khan. Enough is enough we can’t let this go on for ever!! People like Imran khan have fooled as long enough! there is always a new way and trick by the establishment to keep the status quo and derail a working system, which needs time to mature, this time they are using Imran and he is more then happy to do anything for them just for personal glory!. It is the so called impulsive people like Imran khan who have ruined Pakistan for the last 65 years!

  5. To all please,
    I met with Dr. Arif Alvi and he told me that in turkish society, it is not possible to engage in any political discussion without telling their political allegiance. If they're not voters, then their word does not carry any value however strong it may be.
    That is precisely my advise to all who confront anti-Pti people on social media. Ask them about their political affiliation and deal with them accordingly. Don't waste time with people like NAZIA whose political allegiance is unknown and she's full of criticism.

  6. When you again will meet with Dr Alvi then ask him he never differentiate between Turkish and Pakistani society .The clear difference is Pakistani society is run by political and military mafia and Turkish people since the time of Atta turk cornering military and fanatics group and in rapid process of strengthening their human resources area.The way they are penalizing their ex Generals who were interested in military regimes in Turkey are positive signs and all this is being done as per demand of majority public which belong to literate class.
    Again Ask Dr Alvi being a resident of Karachi have he seen such bullied class in Turkey or any where in the world like MQM supporters who are forced to accept a leader whose permanent residence is in UK and he controls them with funniest speeches.
    Again Ask Dr Alvi that being a Karachi citizen as he know all about Karachi party weakness same as Lahori we know khan's changing moods and political somersaults.So one cant swallow fly even knowing it .Pakistan need a true political leadership from grass root level like Miraj khalid, atizaz ehsan, hashmi palijo khawaj asif,rabbani. etc but all have been shattered under fake leadership which are controlled by foreign mafia.So people take time to develop their political allegiance if this democratic system is not derailed.

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