Lack of a response


The recent indecent and pathetic anti-Islam movie against the feelings of Muslims all over the world appears to be nothing but sheer hatred and jealousy of the US/France and others. It seems that it is planned to gauge how much the Muslim Ummah is religiously ineffective and dead. The Western rulers will again put forward the same excuse of freedom of speech. But, where is their freedom of speech if and when people talk against Holocaust? This clearly shows their double standards. We as Muslims immensely love our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and never talk against Jesus, Moses or any other prophet. We respect all prophets and demand that others do the same.
The rulers in the OIC are fast asleep and just want to please their Western masters. Shame on them as none has said a word till today. There is a sea of difference in the thinking of the Muslims and their rulers. The OIC as a world body must take this case to the UN and if they do not take necessary steps against these mentally sick people and their leaders, then the OIC should gather courage to leave the UNO en block. Otherwise, the West and its leaders will take them for granted and keep repeating such shameful acts.