Pakistan Today

Kabul to move UNSC against ‘Pakistan cross-border attacks’

Afghan Foreign Ministry officials on Thursday announced that the ministry would lodge a complaint in the UN Security Council against cross-border incursion by the Pakistani military in the eastern regions of Afghanistan. According to Afghan officials, hundreds of missiles and heavy shells have been fired into Kunar and Nuristan provinces in the past one year which caused casualties and damages to local residents. A spokesman for the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Faramarz Taman said Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul was due to share the issue with the UN Security Council.
Taman added that the motive behind the complaint was to draw the attention of the UNSC members into the cross-border incursions by Pakistani military. “Deep concerns of Afghanistan have been pointed out in the speech of the Afghan foreign minister which also reflects the negative impact over the bilateral relations if the cross-border incursions continue.” He also said the cross-border incursion by Pakistan would boost insurgency in eastern regions of Afghanistan. The officials said several Afghan families had left their homes. However, Pakistani officials said only militants inside the Pakistani soil had been targeted and only a number of missiles had mistakenly crossed the border. Tamana also said Afghan, Pakistani and British officials were also due to meet in the UNSC session which was due to be held on September 26.

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