Judge jails woman who refused to delete Facebook account


A Kentucky woman who was issued a DUI after she caused a car accident with four teenagers is being sent back to jail after a judge ordered her to delete her Facebook page. Local NBC affiliate WAVE3 reports that Paula Asher wrote a dismissive status update to her Facebook page after the accident, stating, “My dumb (expletive) got a dui and I hit a car…lol.” Asher was allegedly under the influence at the time of the accident and fled the scene before police arrived. The parents of the four teens injured in the crash asked District Judge Mary Jane Phelps to have the offending Facebook page removed and the judge complied. However, while Asher has apologized to the judge and the families for her offensive post, she has not deleted her Facebook account. And as a result, Judge Phelps has sentenced Asher to a two-day jail sentence for contempt of court. “I really wasn’t trying to make fun of (the crash),” Asher said. However, as SecurityNewsDaily notes, it’s not clear if the judge actually had the authority to order Asher to delete her Facebook page. No specific law was cited in the order.