Violence explodes as Muslims protest super blasphemous film


Anti-US protests by crowds whipped into fury by a film that mocks Islam erupted across the Muslim world on Friday, as violence exploded in Sudan, Lebanon and Yemen leaving two people dead and dozens wounded.
The protests broke out when Muslims emerged from mosques following the weekly Friday main prayers to voice their anger at the film made in the United States, which shows extreme blasphemy and disrespect for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In Khartoum, guards on the roof of the US embassy fired warning shots as a security perimeter was breached by dozens of Islamic flag-waving protesters, part of a crowd of thousands who had earlier stormed the British embassy and set fire to the German mission.
A police vehicle near the embassy was also torched as hundreds of demonstrators broke through an outer security cordon after one protester was hit by a police vehicle and killed. Police had earlier fired volleys of tear gas in a bid to prevent the 10,000-strong crowd marching on the US embassy after they had swarmed over the German mission, attacking its facade and tearing down the flag to replace it with a black Islamist one before torching the building.
Violence also erupted in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, where a crowd of 300 Islamists attacked and set fire to a KFC restaurant, sparking clashes with police in which one person died and 25 were injured, sources said. The attack on the US fast-food chain’s outlet came as Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Lebanon for a three-day visit, calling for Christian-Muslim coexistence and attacking religious extremism. Tension spiraled again in Yemen’s capital Sanaa, with security forces firing warning shots and water cannon to disperse crowds of protesters trying to reach the US embassy. In Cairo, where the first protests against the film broke out on Tuesday, protesters again clashed with police outside the US embassy, although calm returned later after the Muslim Brotherhood withdrew a call for nationwide demonstrations, saying it wanted to avoid loss of life and damage to property. In Iran, meanwhile, thousands of people yelling “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” rallied in central Tehran. State television showed the crowd streaming out after Friday prayers at Tehran University in which a cleric, Ayatollah Ahmad Janati, blamed the United States for the crude film, “Innocence of Muslims”. In Tunis, police fired tear gas and warning shots as more than 1,000 stone-throwing protesters gathered outside the US embassy. Protests have spread across the Middle East and further afield, including to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kashmir, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel and the Gaza Strip and Kuwait. Violence also erupted in Asia, with police saying 86 people were arrested after attacking the US consulate in the Indian city of Chennai. In Kabul, hundreds of Afghan protesters took to the streets, setting fire to an effigy of US President Barack Obama and demanding the death of a film-maker who insulted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


  1. a group of Zionist Freemasons (or Neocons)
    is leading Humankind toward a World War of Religions and toward Slavery.
    Without an Awakening, any significant change would be unlikely even if the people knew exactly what the conspirators will do:
    They will throw stones and quickly hide their hand
    They will hit one to blame the other and divide all people
    They will stir up a Conflict in the name of our differences

    Their motto "Divide and conquer" is also their strategy in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Korea to finally get to China and Russia. These governments are targets of US and UK secret services and demonized by TV media exclusively controlled by the Zionists

    For a change of Direction it will take a "spark"
    that could dazzle even those who have been blinded.

    The answer to the Zionist Plan in one word is
    To recognize Wavevolution is to also recognize our
    which is neither financial
    nor Equality between man and woman but
    the Respect of a new system of values
    sculptured into one new set of rules

    The platform of an alternative to the Zionist Plan must focus on the solution of one Human dilemma which is at the root and that is the conflict between Equality and Individuality.

    For most of Humankind it will take a new
    Respect for Equality to continue to survive.

    Once revolutions will have occurred all over the World they soon need to be coordinated.

    That will be the most decisive moment and it will be just as crucial to know precisely how we came to this point. Some will promise you all you wish to hear but the answer to such problem should not be that of any single individual

    Worldwide Referendum broadcasted Live simultaneously on large screens in the squares of every Country could answer specific questions to decide what type of Democracy will exist in a new Humankind.

    It should be clear to everyone why we would want to live with mutual Respect and what is the sole alternative.
    Equality or Slavery are the only two roads.

    The Dictator of a New World Order will soon become one reality unless a new movement coordinated in each Country and operated with strategic timing could bring a new Respect for Equality to all people.

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