When state kills its people


Justice seems to be delayed, but not denied in Gujrat riots case

Every time there is a conviction in Gujarat riots case, I begin to hope that the day is not far when the real culprit, state Chief Minister Narendra Modi, will be brought to book. The 28-year-long sentence awarded to Maya Kodnani, who organized the massacre at Naroda-Patya in Ahmedabad, makes me confident that justice can be delayed — the riots took place in 2002 — but not denied. Modi lauded her role on the riots so much that he made her a minister. But the Supreme Court’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) caught up with her crime even after the exoneration by the police which did its best to see that Kodnani’s “involvement does not come on the books”.

The question which nags me all the time is how to punish a chief minister who plans and executes the killing of his own people because they belong to a different religion. Some 2,000 Muslims were killed, 95 at Naroda-Patya alone. A similar point confronted me when after the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1984 more than 3,000 Sikhs were killed in the national capital, New Delhi. Then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for blessing all that was plotted to kill the innocent. His infamous remark still haunts me: When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake.

Both in Gujarat and Delhi, the pattern of killing and looting was the same: The public was instigated, the police was instructed to look the other way and the army’s induction was intentionally delayed. Had there been the institution of Lokpal (ombudsman) in position, it would have probably stepped in to name the culprits including Modi and Rajiv Gandhi. In the absence of any such remedy what do people, especially the victims, do to get justice? When the protector turns into a killer there is no remedy for the protected.

In fact, both Gujarat and Delhi have raised a general question about the independence of law and order machinery. The police is at the beck and call of rulers and it does not function independently. The police reforms recommended by the Dharamvira Committee as back as 1980 could have retrieved the situation to some extent. It would have meant transferring control of police to a committee, including the opposition leader. But no state has been willing to implement the recommendations. In real, there is a case for a federal police on the lines of America to pursue cases which transcend states’ borders or those which fall under the category of segregation, discrimination and such other crimes. There is the famous case of Mississippi in America where the federal police broke the alliance between the local administration and politicians to bring the guilty to justice.

Since the states jealously guard their sway over the law and order machinery, it is difficult to imagine that they would agree to any federal force when New Delhi itself has got politicized. Coming to the minorities, the experience of Muslims in Gujarat and of Sikhs in Delhi bring out the truth that the rulers go to any extent to save their party members. They have different names but in real terms they are the party’s rough necks who have over the years become an instrument of tyranny in the hands of political masters.

The real disturbing aspect is that more and more Hindus are getting contaminated by the RSS and its parivar. It is heartening to find that one member of the Bajrag Dal, the militant wing of RSS, has been given life sentence in the Naroda-Patya case. Still the bigger tragedy is that the majority community looks like turning its back on secularism which it should realize can undo India.

The BJP which expects to win at the 2014 election does not feel its responsibility in keeping the country safe from parochialism. True, the other national party, the Congress has become a carbon copy of the BJP, but it still supports the secular ethos. The party’s stand is mostly opportunistic but it draws inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, not Guru Gowlkar. This may be the reason why the Congress, at times, takes a secular stand and confronts the forces which spew communalism.

I was, however, disappointed when the Congress government neither acted against the Shiv Sena, particularly Raj Thakre when he instigated the crowd at Mumbai in the name of national chauvinism. Nor did the government move against the Muslim fundamentalists who indulged in violence at Azad Maidan and killed two persons. I am told that the person who goaded the mob at the Maidan is a local Congress Muslim leader. Regretfully, both the Congress and the BJP have come to believe that they would get more votes if they talked in terms of caste and community.

Had the Supreme Court not selected the nine cases of fake encounters out of many, no Maya Kodnani would have been punished. But there was no Supreme Court to intervene in the case of Sikhs’ killings because the Rajiv Gandhi administration had cleaned the stains from the plate. No proof was left behind and the records were fudged. The entire massacre was orchestrated by the ruling Congress and executed according to a pre-prepared plan.

Thanks to young lawyer H S Phoolka who made a formidable case from the affidavits of victims. Even then his experience and those of the others who have tried to get justice is that even now the Congress government is creating impediment at every step to block any persecution further. The conviction in Gujarat is an exception. At least there were still some records which helped the SIT to rebuild the case. But in Delhi, the Congress government has effaced all evidence lest the guilty of 1984 massacre could be traced.

There is yet another case of government’s suppression. I am referring to the killing of 22 Muslim boys at Hashimpura in UP in 1987. The case has not moved from the lower court. The rioting in Assam too has been anti-Muslim. The lesson to be learnt from all these happenings is that the rule of law by itself does not mean anything unless the government is willing to follow it without fear or favour.

The writer is a senior Indian

journalist.Every time there is a conviction in Gujarat riots case, I begin to hope that the day is not far when the real culprit, state Chief Minister Narendra Modi, will be brought to book. The 28-year-long sentence awarded to Maya Kodnani, who organized the massacre at Naroda-Patya in Ahmedabad, makes me confident that justice can be delayed — the riots took place in 2002 — but not denied. Modi lauded her role on the riots so much that he made her a minister. But the Supreme Court’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) caught up with her crime even after the exoneration by the police which did its best to see that Kodnani’s “involvement does not come on the books”.

The question which nags me all the time is how to punish a chief minister who plans and executes the killing of his own people because they belong to a different religion. Some 2,000 Muslims were killed, 95 at Naroda-Patya alone. A similar point confronted me when after the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1984 more than 3,000 Sikhs were killed in the national capital, New Delhi. Then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for blessing all that was plotted to kill the innocent. His infamous remark still haunts me: When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake.

Both in Gujarat and Delhi, the pattern of killing and looting was the same: The public was instigated, the police was instructed to look the other way and the army’s induction was intentionally delayed. Had there been the institution of Lokpal (ombudsman) in position, it would have probably stepped in to name the culprits including Modi and Rajiv Gandhi. In the absence of any such remedy what do people, especially the victims, do to get justice? When the protector turns into a killer there is no remedy for the protected.

In fact, both Gujarat and Delhi have raised a general question about the independence of law and order machinery. The police is at the beck and call of rulers and it does not function independently. The police reforms recommended by the Dharamvira Committee as back as 1980 could have retrieved the situation to some extent. It would have meant transferring control of police to a committee, including the opposition leader. But no state has been willing to implement the recommendations. In real, there is a case for a federal police on the lines of America to pursue cases which transcend states’ borders or those which fall under the category of segregation, discrimination and such other crimes. There is the famous case of Mississippi in America where the federal police broke the alliance between the local administration and politicians to bring the guilty to justice.

Since the states jealously guard their sway over the law and order machinery, it is difficult to imagine that they would agree to any federal force when New Delhi itself has got politicized. Coming to the minorities, the experience of Muslims in Gujarat and of Sikhs in Delhi bring out the truth that the rulers go to any extent to save their party members. They have different names but in real terms they are the party’s rough necks who have over the years become an instrument of tyranny in the hands of political masters.

The real disturbing aspect is that more and more Hindus are getting contaminated by the RSS and its parivar. It is heartening to find that one member of the Bajrag Dal, the militant wing of RSS, has been given life sentence in the Naroda-Patya case. Still the bigger tragedy is that the majority community looks like turning its back on secularism which it should realize can undo India.

The BJP which expects to win at the 2014 election does not feel its responsibility in keeping the country safe from parochialism. True, the other national party, the Congress has become a carbon copy of the BJP, but it still supports the secular ethos. The party’s stand is mostly opportunistic but it draws inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, not Guru Gowlkar. This may be the reason why the Congress, at times, takes a secular stand and confronts the forces which spew communalism.

I was, however, disappointed when the Congress government neither acted against the Shiv Sena, particularly Raj Thakre when he instigated the crowd at Mumbai in the name of national chauvinism. Nor did the government move against the Muslim fundamentalists who indulged in violence at Azad Maidan and killed two persons. I am told that the person who goaded the mob at the Maidan is a local Congress Muslim leader. Regretfully, both the Congress and the BJP have come to believe that they would get more votes if they talked in terms of caste and community.

Had the Supreme Court not selected the nine cases of fake encounters out of many, no Maya Kodnani would have been punished. But there was no Supreme Court to intervene in the case of Sikhs’ killings because the Rajiv Gandhi administration had cleaned the stains from the plate. No proof was left behind and the records were fudged. The entire massacre was orchestrated by the ruling Congress and executed according to a pre-prepared plan.

Thanks to young lawyer H S Phoolka who made a formidable case from the affidavits of victims. Even then his experience and those of the others who have tried to get justice is that even now the Congress government is creating impediment at every step to block any persecution further. The conviction in Gujarat is an exception. At least there were still some records which helped the SIT to rebuild the case. But in Delhi, the Congress government has effaced all evidence lest the guilty of 1984 massacre could be traced.

There is yet another case of government’s suppression. I am referring to the killing of 22 Muslim boys at Hashimpura in UP in 1987. The case has not moved from the lower court. The rioting in Assam too has been anti-Muslim. The lesson to be learnt from all these happenings is that the rule of law by itself does not mean anything unless the government is willing to follow it without fear or favour.

The writer is a senior Indian



  1. Kuldip Nayar is a rabid Hindu who migrated from Sialkot. I am sure in this article he is targeting sympathy in some Pakistani quarters. The man who is now discussing human rights has always been a supportive of Govt actions every where. Right under his nose some 2500 Sikhs were massacred in Delhi in 1984 and he never wrote a single line. Later some 25000 Sikhs were killed in false encounter (police custody) in Punjab and he did not lift the pen. Ink of his pen was dried when the Govt killed 35 Sikhs in Chittisinghpora Kashmir on the arrival of US President Bill Clington in March 2000. Yes he did lift it recently when the Sikhs decided to raise a memorial for those killed in 1984 in Amritsar and he vehemently opposed it.
    This man who has been associated with candle light peace movement on Wagha Border on Independence day opposed the very movement when it was most needed i.e post Kargil days.
    Nayyar needed to write this article in some Indian papers. I am sorry to say peace will continue to elude this sub-continent so long hypocrites like Kuldip will remain associated with the movement.

    • Mr. Nayyar should write in this paper how many Hindus and Sikhs would be killed in Pakistan if some Hindus or Sikhs killed 59 Muslim pilgrims at Lahore or Karachi train station. The answer will never surprise anyone, but Mr. Nayyar will stop writing forever. Besides, it's about the time to throw away his pen.

  2. i sometimes wonder in first place that why not at the onset of godhra train burning episode;why ther are no comments,2 wrongs dont make a right for sure, but someone should have seen what really was boiling down in the belly of tht particular episode as well
    the larger issues have to be tackled to as well, before just condenming things, the fault lines certainly come at the door steps of the rulers for sure, but history being proof my dear sir open up and see for yourself how many have been punished; atleast here there are a few who are in certain manner being given justice for the crimes they did .
    what about the other incidents of similar case,where no justice has seen the light of day??
    please as senior journo you shud highlight that too as well the way u raise issues about the justice beeing denied
    but i guess now adays its become norm just to say yes wrong has happened and be with the right side of polity . please have the courage to speak about the issues in totallty

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