Imran pays tribute to Father of the Nation


The PTI Chairman Imran Khan Paying tribute to the founder of the country Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on his 64th death anniversary said that Quaid’s vision led to the creation of Pakistan.
Quaid gave us this country to live in with freedom, peace and harmony. Muslim India had its nucleus of middle class lawyers, businessmen, intellectuals and professionals who rallied around the Quaid and fought the battle for independence.
The Quaid’s extraordinary charm inspired men with a sense of self-sacrifice and social commitment. The Quaid’s magnetic personality, unrivalled veracity and total devotion to the cause of Muslim freedom made a reflective imprint on the minds of his followers.
Despite the passing of several decades, our leaders have not been able to create the Pakistan that the Quaid-e-Azam had visualized. Pakistan is passing through hardest of its times.
Nation is in dire need of uniting and facing these challenges of sectarian violence, terrorism and economy bravely following the Quaid’s vision of peaceful co existence with all sects of the society.
PTI believes in Quaid’s vision and will make every effort to take the nation out of the crisis to make Pakistan a peaceful, prosperous and strong.


  1. You are second Jinah for us. Prayers for Jinah struggled for us and devoted his life for the Big cause.

  2. imran khan is jinnah himself…. he is great man.. and we dnt want but need leader like him;;;P love him

  3. Request to Pakistanis in Iqbal's words, Khole aankh zameen dekh falak dekh faza dekh….Mashriq se ubhartay huway suraj ko zara dekh…… Imran khan is that suraj…inshaAllah will bring the light and life which Quide Azam dreamt of.. For this country..

  4. You are the re-birth of Jinnah. We will stand with you to the very end, just don't stop and don't disappoint us !

    God speed !!!

  5. so now u r the second founder of paistan…..,becuz already our ex-leader lost the pak
    istan and u r the ray for creation of pakistan again……..,inshaAllah will help u 100%.

  6. I don't agree with you guys comparing IK with Jinnah but I do respect you guys wanting Pakistan to be what Jinnah hoped for,but its going to take much more then just talk guys if you plan to win this election.Whoever wins,I hope will do better then this corrupt gang of savages who are looting the country and the people.And please no mullas.

  7. Imran Khan is a ray of hope for a new Pakistan. Imran Khan is not the second Jinnah, nor will he strive to be like Jinnah, he will strive to be himself, and that is what we need.

    Imran Khan has empowered the youth to believe again, and that is very important for the future of the nation. Thank you Chairman for making us believe again.

  8. Only leader in Pakistan at the moment is Mr. Imran Khan – He has the ideology and he is protecting it at every cost . . . . .!!! Keep it up. We are with you!

  9. The ideology of Sovereign, Justice based, welfare state – prosperous Pakistan! Please rest of the things to masses of Pakistan – the most talented world-class brains!! We'll see Pakistan shine like a start among the leading nations of the world – very soon!
    We'll do intelligent hard work day and night! – Promise!!!!

  10. IK is not JInnah and wouldnt want to even compare himself to the great man. However he is the only leader in pakistan who atleast hopes to take Pakistan in the direction envisioned by Jinnah. The others are corrupt, misguided, power hungry, incompetent and just plain hopeless.

    • Yes Mr. MAD,

      You are quite right. Imran Khan is not Jinnah but whatever his approach is, he is definitely going to make Pakistan the same as Jinnah wanted. In the current scenario, he seems to be the last hope of the people of Pakistan. May Allah be with him to achieve his goal.

  11. i have read all of the above comments but it seems to me too much for Imran Khan.He can't be replica of Jinnah.

    • My God…these individual worshipers.

      Poor fellow is made Scape goat

      Jamaatis abhhor name to be again!

      Every election and he loses and will be unless wait 10yrs to be mature!!!

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