Bridge over Chitral river set on fire, locals demand immediate re-construction


Unknown miscreants set on fire a bridge over Chitral River forcing thousands of people to use long and hilly route to reach their destination. Locals have demanded of the government for early reconstruction of the bridge situated in Priat village.
According to police two weeks ago, unknown miscreants torched the bridge at Chitral River overnight leaving thousands of people stranded on the other side of the river. Locals had to travel for several hours using hilly route to reach bazaars and facing difficulties in transporting daily commodities especially patients.
“Thousands of people including women, children and ailing persons are compelled to travel through peaks of mountain to reach their destination,” a local said while talking to INP.
Koghuzi police have arrested one person and were interrogating the detainee. However it is pertinent to add that there was a public meeting of a banned group and some of their leader delivered provoking speeches regarding open use of narcotics and wine in the area. After the public meeting, sometime unknown extremists set the bridge on fire.
Locals have demanded of the provincial and federal government for early re-construction of Priat Bridge to restore communication of these people with other parts of Chitral.