Security forces clear most of FATA from terrorists


Security forces in their operations in Bajaur, Khyber, Mohmand, Kurram and Orakzai agencies have cleared most of areas from militants and restored writ of the state.
Security sources told INP on Sunday that either the militants of TTP, Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Janghvi have been killed or forced to leave these areas. However, they said the situation in North Waziristan is a source of serious concern where a major operation against about 15 to 20 thousand militants is expected. They said these militants have made the entire population hostage.
They said that writ of the government has been restored in the entire Bajaur Agency except Baizai, Musa Khel, Essa Khel and Dawezai areas.
In Khyber Agency, writ of the government is reasonably enforced in Jamrud and Landikotal subdivisions. The full scale operation which was started in Bara sub division in 2009 is still in progress.
In Orakzai Agency, militant groups of defunct TTP, Sipahe Sahaba/Lashkar Jhangvi are active. Action against them was started in 2010 and several areas have been cleared where the IDPs are now returning.
The situation in North Waziristan Agency is calm but fragile. There is possibility of a clean operation in the near future. In South Waziristan, the law enforcement agencies have taken control of major roads and towns.
Negotiation with Mahsud Jirga are going on to assume their territorial responsibility.
The security sources said militants in FATA are as a whole on the run due to the effective ongoing LEAs operations, suicide and IEDs attacks have reduced significantly. They however said that political administration needs strengthening to retain the cleared areas like SWA by raising local tribes and supporting them.


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