Farmer accidentally plants dope?


An elderly German farmer’s field went to pot, after local drug enforcement agents knocked on his door to inquire about the crop of cannabis growing on his property.
According to CNBC, the 74-year-old Bavarian man told police that he wanted to plant sunflowers in a fallow field that he normally uses for growing potatoes. Since he didn’t have any sunflower seeds handy, the farmer decided to scatter bird seed around the field instead. According to the Local, the bird seed mix that he used contained hemp, resulting in an unintentional crop of more than 1,000 cannabis plants. Concerned neighbors alerted police to the field of 10-foot tall plants, which the farmer had failed to recognize as cannabis. Once police explained the situation, the man proceeded to plow the field with his tractor, destroying the hemp.


  1. Every single day, hundreds of thousands of people are just one harvest away from retirement.

    Due to prohibition, cheap growing equipment and a few seeds from friends, or ordered over the internet, it's now possible to grow a whole retirement fund in just 12 weeks. Why are we wasting our precious resources on a futile attempt at trying to prevent the impossible? Who gains? Everywhere I go, I come across people discussing their latest growing techniques or swapping recipes for pest control. I get shown more indoor marijuana gardens than holiday photos. So why are there still so many people buying into the dangerous and failed farce of Prohibition?

    End the madness now; Tax and Regulate!

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