Enthusiasts will take longer to build Sovereign of the Seas replica than original shipwrights in 1637


It took 22 months to build the original Sovereign of the Seas warship in the 17th Century but it will take enthusiasts reconstructing the ship from a magazine two years and seven months. A new weekly magazine Sovereign of the Seas is offering readers the chance to make their own model warship by providing the parts and instructions over 135 issues.
However building the replica will not only take longer than it did to construct the real thing in 1637 but cost £804.65 to buy all the magazines.
After a cheap introductory offer of £1.99 pounds for the first issue, each copy then costs £5.99. “It is a tried and tested formula much appreciated by our loyal modelling fans and allows DeAgostini to create and develop beautiful ships to a degree of detail and scale that is not normally available in the High Street.”