‘Muslims could take law into their own hands’ if blasphemy accused girl is set free


The lawyer representing the man who accused a minor Christian girl of blasphemy has claimed that if she is not convicted, Muslims could “take the law into their own hands”.
Rao Abdur Raheem, who appeared in court for the first time at a bail hearing on Tuesday, cited the example of Mumtaz Qadri, the man who last year gunned down Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer who had called for the reform of the much-abused blasphemy law. The lawyer’s comments are likely to further complicate a bitterly contentious case which has caused international outcry and embarrassed the Pakistani government. The girl, Rimsha Masih, whose family says she is 11, was arrested earlier this month and charged with desecrating the Holy Quran after a neighbor, Malik Ammad, claimed that he saw her with burnt pages of the holy text in a bag she was carrying. Her family had hoped that she would be granted bail on Thursday after a medical report this week found that she was a minor – thus eligible for bail – and has learning difficulties. But those hopes were dashed when Raheem challenged the report in court and the hearing was postponed.
According to Raheem, the medical report on Rimsha was illegal, as it followed the orders of a civil servant and not the court, and went beyond its remit of determining her age. He accused the government of supporting her and manipulating court proceedings.Speaking outside the Islamabad court after the hearing, Raheem said: “There are many Mumtaz Qadris in this country … This (medical) report has been managed by the state, state agencies and the accused.”
Later, sitting in his office beneath a large poster of Qadri, Raheem told the Guardian: “If the court is not allowed to do its work, because the state is helping the accused, then the public has no other option except to take the law into their own hands.” Last year, many lawyers rallied around Qadri, who had killed Punjab governor Salman Taseer in public, showering him with rose petals when he first appeared in court. Raheem said he had taken on the case for free because he was convinced that Masih should be punished.
“This girl is guilty. If the state overrides the court, then God will get a person to do the job,” said Raheem. “There is so much evidence against her, a reasonable court is not in a position to find her not guilty.” It remains unclear why the accuser suspected Rimsha and how he saw inside the bag that she was apparently carrying. Also unclear is whether any burnt pages were actually from the Quran or another book that contained religious verses. Following Raheem’s objections to the medical report, the court has asked the authorities for clarification and will hear the case again on Saturday, when bail for the girl could again be considered.


  1. Where is the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take suo notice, Is he too busy with his colleagues arranging to set free his son.

    • He doesn't take notice for such incidents where non-muslims minorities, muslim ethinic groups, are butchered. He also stays away from taking any notice that involves pro-taliban mentality, PML-N, and other religious fanatics. He only takes notices against letter-writings, saving privates of his own son, someone slapping someone, liquor cases, etc.

    • Chief sahib is not naive. He will not mess around with the lot who can come looking with klashenkovs and keep looking over his shoulder at his personal guards.

  2. This law is an embarrassment for Pakistan. Punish the accuser severely. What a jerk he is. That scumbag is humiliating all of us Pakistanis.

  3. you should have added that this statement is from the Lawyer. In my opinion the person who is urging people to go against the law should be prosecuted first and his licence should be cancelled immediately.

  4. Why not give her some money and send her to another country which will accept her.At least she will grow with a clear mind and without fear for her life.this will be a humane act .the same facility can be given to other minorities as well who wish to leave.then there will be no one at least from the minorities to commit acts of blasphemy.

    • Good point raised – this matter should be totally solved by throwing-out all the minorities of this country to where-ever they want to go…. at-least our Majority brothers and sisters would then sleep well….. without fearing somebody could do such thing..

    • If Hindus, Sikhs and Christians leave Pakistan then these people will persecute Ahmadis, Shias etc. Asking the minorities to leave will treat the symptom but not the disease.

      • @Prakash : You should be ashamed of bringing up this point … This act should be condemned across the globe.. As an Indian, I'm ashamed of your comment!!

        • @NJT .. this needs to be condemned and thats what i did by being sarcastic! i cant help it if you did not understand the tone! I believe minorities who put religion over "Indianness" should leave the country and I am not at all ashamed for the comment. If you want to be ashamed of yourself, you are free to do so as India is a free country! Rather than being ashamed of somebody else's comment, i would suggest we should be ashamed that we dont have a uniform civil code in spite of being a democratic country!

  5. “If the state overrides the court, then God will get a person to do the job,”
    What job??? Killing her!!
    How the hell did he become a lawyer!!
    This is absolute non-sense.

  6. Why should we quarrel for imagination of religion ? First we should respect Humanity. Since different religion have different views on same issues, so we should have tolerence to differeces for co-existence.

  7. no one, repeat no one has the right to evict any human being from their homeland (minority, majority or otherwise). no one is the owner of the earth except ALLAH (SWT) to whom belongs all that is in the Heavens and on the Earth, and it is HE who has decreed that a human being is free to roam through the length and breadth of the earth at will, without let or hinderance, to see the beauty of HIS creation and to ponder thereon and to come to the straight path. it is we human beings who, with the little wealth that ALLAH has bestowed upon us, purchase properties and proclaim it to be ours. if so why doesn't the so called owner of a property take it with him / her into his / her grave after death. ALLAH has bestowed wealth on some to fulfill their own needs (not lavish, extravagant needs; i.e. just greed, selfishness) and the needs of those whom ALLAH has kept less wealthy or poor. remember everything is from ALLAH and to HIM alone is the return of all for accountability.

  8. regarding the accusation of blasphemy by the girl, ALLAH is sufficient to take account from all HIS creatures. HE has decreed that you need witnesses to any accusation levelled upon anyone. if you (the accuser) have none then leave the matter to ALLAH and cause not mischief upon the earth where ALLAH has given you life for a limited period to try you and test you as to your faith, acts, and deeds.

  9. As an Indian, it is gratifying to see lots of replies condemning this lawyer. I'm glad not everyone in Pakistan supports extremism and fanaticism.

  10. So lawyer has already given the verdict, she is culprit.
    Hope this type of psycho morons are rare species in Pakistan. If not, then it must be a hell to live in there.

  11. this is pakistan thats why this layer is allowed to practice otherwise his license should be cancelled immediately. god will help this girl and we have sympathy with her family. god bless her. One day i m sure minority will be finish in pakistan and these people will start to kill each other which they have started.

  12. This lawyer should not be allowed to practice law because he is not qualified. He should be treated for mental illness instead. What a moron.

  13. you should have added that this statement is from the Lawyer. In my opinion the person who is urging people to go against the law should be prosecuted first and his licence should be cancelled immediately.

  14. Rao Abdur Raheem is a violence starter who apparently does not respect the law.RAHEEM We will pray that all the venim and hatred that makes your heart beat, will be taken from you. You need to find love , peace,honesty and compassion. Any one who has spoken up for Rimsha and her family should plan for them to reach safety after the court does the right thing in releasing her.

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