Blashpemy case: Rimsha’s remand extended for 14 days


Police Friday won permission to hold a young Christian girl accused of blasphemy in custody for a further 14 days while her case is investigated, officials said.
Rimsha was arrested in a poor suburb of Islamabad on August 16 after a neighbor accused her of burning papers containing verses from the Holy Quran.
Her case has prompted concern from Western governments and anger from rights campaigners, who say the legislation is often abused to settle personal vendettas.
She arrived at court for the unannounced remand hearing in an armored police van amid tight security, guarded by heavily-armed commandos and covered with a white sheet to conceal her face.
“She was produced in the court of a magistrate where we requested an extension of 14 days in her judicial remand,” Munir Jafri, a police officer investigating Rimsha’s case, told AFP.
“We wanted more time for further investigation and the court accepted our request.”
Another hearing is scheduled for Saturday to decide on a bail application and whether to accept a medical report that said Rimsha is 14 years old, which would mean her case would be treated under juvenile law, and has a mental age below her actual age.
Some reports have said she has Down’s Syndrome.
Tahir Naveed Chaudhry, one of Rimsha’s lawyers confirmed to AFP that Rimsha was produced on Friday and remanded for a further 14 days, while Shamaun Alfred Gill, a spokesman for All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) said Friday’s hearing was a “routine procedure”.


  1. Perhaps its time to burn the Quran left and right, to demonstrate the danger of religious fanatics dictating law, and that freedom of speech needs to be protected and religious zealots should not be feared.

    • I'd also burn a bible, Darwins "Evolution of Species", Book of Mormons and the Buddhist Tripitaka to show that I don't discriminate. Christians would be fine with it, muslims would explode! I'd do this in a t-shirt with a drawing of Muhammed on.

      Muslims all over to know – I am not afraid of you! If I want to make fun of your religion, I am free to do so.

      • @Gnurkel
        While the actions of these religious zealots and fanatics are deplorable and punsihable, however, a line needs to be drawn when it comes to 'freedom of speech'. How come there are provisions in the Western societies where sensative and inappropriate comments at workplaces can cost people their jobs (sexual harassment laws, etc.) and do not fall under the 'freedom of speech' act while under the same oct, it is okay to ridicule someone's religion or revered figures?

        • Drawing lines means end of freedom of speech. Bigotry protects itself and it's irrational beliefs using censorship and blasphemy. Blasphemy is an outdated concept that has lost relavence in this age. Workplace policies has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Harassment laws are made to protect people against discrimination on the base of religion, vendor, race etc but a person is free to express his views in his/ her free time. So these laws protect freedom of speech and thought instead of curtailing it.

          • "Workplace policies has nothing to do with freedom of speech."
            Really! you can coat it anyway you want to.

    • That's a ridicolous proposition. It would be better if we educate the masses on creating tolerance and harmony among people. Violence begets violence.

    • Sanctions won't do any good and make matters even worse. The change will have to come from within. People are being radicalized every day and that needs to be stopped. Do you think sanctions would stop the radicalization process? You should not be ashamed of your motherland. You motherland is what you have made it and not the other way.

  2. Is our religion so weak that we cannot accept a simple stupid act–if at all this was?Oh -Allah teach your followers to be tolerant. Your book teaches us to be tolerant and forgiving. If someone is sick in mind should we follow the same path? What has happened to us when a young girl needs the protection of the commandos and the news grips the world. To err is human—to forgive is divine but obviously not in Pakistan. We have become blood thirsty!

    • We put a lot of emphasis on reading the book but do not understand the message that it conveys and therein lies the problem. More prominence is given to growing beards or hanging shalwars obove the ankles but no one cares whether they are being honest in their daily dealings, treating their neighbors fairly, etc.

      • Dear Amir, The holy Koran lies in my heart and it,s interpretation lies in my brain. No body can harm it. The destruction of a piece of a paper by a imbecile or otherewise poses no danget to my faith. The holy book does not need the protection from people wearing shalwars above their ankles and sporting unkempt beards. In fact they are they greatest danger to the faith. They are no guardians // quite the reverse

  3. The people who have been taught lies for last 1400 years will nEed another 1400 years to learn humanity

    • Stupid troll. Its not the religion. Its the followers of the religion who have twisted the religion up to suit themselves

  4. If law and justice is to be left to third rated and know-nothing religious thugs, then may God help the Pakistani polity.

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