NASA beams first song from Mars


NASA transmitted the first song to be broadcast from Mars on Tuesday, by Grammy-winning US musician, as part of efforts to inspire young people to get interested in science. “Reach for the Stars” was then beamed back by the Curiosity rover, which landed on the surface of the Red Planet earlier this month, to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. NASA staff clapped their hands and held their arms in the air, smiling and swaying to the rhythm during the slightly less scientific use of the rover’s hi-tech equipment and communications ability. “It seems surreal,” the US rapper and actor said explaining how NASA administrator Charles Bolden had called him to suggest beaming a song back from Mars as part of educational outreach efforts by the US space agency. The song — with lyrics including “I know that Mars might be far, but baby it ain’t really that far” — involved a 40-piece orchestra including French horns, rather than a more modern electronically-generated sound. “I wanted to show human collaboration and have an orchestra there and something that would be timeless, and translated in different cultures, not have like a hip hop beat or a dance beat,” he said.