Pakistan Today

5 reasons why expats love Lahore


Compared to more rural areas or other smaller cities in Pakistan, women in Lahore have a greater deal of independence. You will see scores of women drivers and shoppers at all times of the day and even into the evening. It is not safe to go everywhere as a lone woman, but once you get to know the city better you will learn where women congregate. It is easy to meet other ladies at parks, markets, and department stores. Many women in Lahore work, study, and even run businesses.


Hospitality is something you will enjoy all over Pakistan, but it is particularly pronounced in the Punjab. Get ready for endless cups of chai and start expanding your stomach for Pakistani sized portions! Meeting locals is easy, and although the media may portray it differently, most Lahoris are very open to meeting and befriending Westerners. Families are quite willing to take you, and especially if you are a single or a young couple, they’ll consider you as part of their own family. You can count on close Pakistani friends to come to your side in times of trouble. Many times they’ll go above and beyond what you’d expect of even your own blood related relatives!


I must admit that in the states, I am not much of a shopper. I do not go the mall just to browse, but I go in with an objective, find said objective and get out. On the contrary I really enjoy shopping in Lahore. It is a cultural and relational experience, and you can get some wicked deals. Be creative by custom designing your clothing, home décor, furniture and jewellery. Browse bustling markets for colourful hand-embroidered saris, bangles, and playful patterns for your latest shalwar kameez (long shirt & loose trousers worn by Pakistani women). In your hometown, how often do you get to choose the material, trim, and embroidery patterns for your clothing and get it made just for you? Shopping can be frustrating at times, but the sense of satisfaction that comes after a bargaining success is worth it.


Mid-October to mid-March is a time of lovely weather in Lahore. Flowers bloom and you will see carefully manicured green gardens all over the city. People sit on their terraces and enjoy walks in parks. The best thing about the winter season is that you can actually enjoy the sunny days and clear skies. In the summer It is too hot to appreciate the sun, and instead you will find yourself rejoicing at the sound of raindrops. It does get cold enough in winter to use heaters, so you will want to bring sweaters and winter coats. Another great thing about winter is when the power gets cut off you can snuggle up in blanket or sleep right through it.


One of the most impressive things about life in Lahore is just that. Life goes on. Despite whatever political drama is filling up the headlines, or whatever financial crisis is coming Pakistan’s way, life goes on. People go to work. Kids go to school. Very rarely does the city really shut down. Even on so-called “strike” days decided by mosque leaders, people usually open up their shops by late afternoon or evening. At first, the idea of living in a city where suicide bombs have gone off can be a bit daunting. After a while you will start taking it like the locals. Sure, everyone talks about it when a bomb blast goes off, but the next day people will be congregating in that very spot doing business as usual.
I remember when a bomb went off Liberty Market. The next day, I myself was there doing my shopping.
That’s how it is. Lahoris refuse to live in fear. If they did, they’d never leave their homes. Whether Pakistan is on the front page news or not, most people do not even worry about. People in the West generally are more informed about what happens in remote areas of the country than those of us actually living here.
To sum it all up, I will quote the famous Pakistani saying,
“Lahore Lahore hai.”
Lahore is Lahore. There is no other city like it, and it is uniquely its own. If you choose to live in Lahore, you will certainly come to embrace Lahore for all that it is.

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