Pakistan Today

CCP asks govt, citizens to uphold rule of law

The Concerned Citizens of Pakistan Society (CCP) has urged all Pakistanis to pledge to individually and collectively take positive steps to improve the deplorable conditions in which the citizens of Pakistan are struggling to survive.
CCP President Nasira Iqbal said the people must start from “our own neighborhoods to educate children, reduce joblessness, control the population, combat corruption, cruelty, energy crisis, waste of national resources, and dissipation of tax payers money”.
“Let us pledge to uphold the rule of law. In a country governed by a written constitution there is no room for controversy as to whether parliament or any other organ of the state is supreme,” the CCP said in a statement.
It said Pakistan was governed by a constitutional dispensation wherein the constitution was Supreme. There was no scope for confrontation if all three pillars of state performed and adhered to their own functions as assigned to them in the constitution.
The statement said the judiciary as a guardian of the constitution must act as a watchdog against any acts or omissions by any other state organ which transgressed against the limits set by the constitution.
It said the Supreme Court had been trying best to perform its constitutional duties and allow democracy to continue despite all defects.
The judiciary had shown utmost forbearance, magnanimity and tolerance towards a stubborn executive and legislature, but the restraint should not be interpreted as weakness.
“The PPP confrontation with the Supreme Court continues.
Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf is procrastinating regards appearing before the Supreme Court on August 27, the date on which he has been summoned. Democracy is being derailed as the government has failed to implement numerous SC verdicts, including its order to write to the Swiss authorities regarding corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari which were withdrawn illegally by then Attorney General Malik Qayyum.”
The statement said such conduct by members of the elected government bred anarchy and encouraged the average citizen to follow suit.
The CCP said the government was duty bound to comply with SC orders and should perform its duty to uphold the rule of law.

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