Army chief should realize his duty: JI chief


Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawar Hasan has said it is the duty of the army chief to realize the task assigned to him by the nation and act accordingly.
Addressing a large Eid congregation at Mansoora mosque, he stressed upon Muslims to prove through their conduct that Islam was the religion of peace while terrorism had been thrust upon them by the west only to malign Islam and its believers. Hasan said the US and the West were themselves terrorists. “The US and its allies have killed million of innocent and unarmed human beings in Iraq and Afghanistan without any justification and Pakistan is their next target.”
He said scores of people were being killed in FATA and the Tribal Areas by drones and drone attacks had continued even during the month of Ramadan and on Eid days. “These attacks are going on in North Waziristan and a gulf is being created between the people and the armed forces of the country,” he said.
The JI chief said the civil government comprised incompetent people and US slaves. “The masses wanted a permanent ban on NATO supplies and an end to the drone attacks. If the army and the government fail to do this, the masses will be forced to come to the roads and then the civil government and the army chief will be responsible.”
The JI chief said the Pakistan’s society was full of tyranny, adding that the people who ruled the country in the past four decades had been deceiving the masses. “It is high time these cheats be thrown out of power.”
He slated the government for jamming mobile telephone services on Eid, saying Interior Minister Rehman Malik was supposed to facilitate the people instead of creating problems for them. “The minister has been a total failure in the maintenance of law and order in the country and in controlling terrorist activities, and the entire country, especially Karachi and Balochistan are in the grip of terrorists.” He said there was no justification for Malik to remain in office. Hasan said the masses were confused about the outcome of the elections to be held in the present scenario. He said the JI workers and leaders should go from door to door and impress upon the masses to take the next elections seriously and to reject the US slaves and those holding fake degrees and vote for honest and competent candidates of the JI.