Pakistan Today

8 ways to make Eid more fun

1. cook those delicacies
Make something special which the family does not normally eat, it can be sweet, sour or in-between. The point is that Eid is special, and the food we eat on this day should be better and different from our usual meals.
2. Teach children how to sacrifice
What could be better than grandma and granddad telling the rest of the family how they used to spend their Eid?
Huddle around them with tea and take a trip down their memory lane.
3. Tell stories
What could be better than grandma and granddad telling the rest of the family how they used to spend their Eid?
Huddle around them with tea and take a trip down their memory lane.
4. Go for a picnic!
Drive the family out into the countryside and try to get lost on some unfamiliar roads, challenging the kids to help remember the way home.
5. Set up a family gift exchange
Put each family member’s name in a Kufi and have each person pull one out. Whoever picks a person’s name has to buy or make that person a gift. One catch: babies have to get gifts from everyone. If you are not into the gift exchange idea and want everyone to get a present try this. Arts and crafts are the best tool for making these gifts. They are personal and cheap, and save useless trips to the shopping center. You can have the kids collect all of the odds and ends they find during the Eid house clean up in a box.
6. Video record Eid day events
From the time everyone wakes up in the morning till everyone conks out happily at the end of Eid day, video record this Eid to make it memorable. It will probably make a hilarious piece of family history as well. Give the responsibility for recording to one of the responsible, technologically adept members of the family.
7. look for those who are alone
At the Eid prayer place, where a lot of hugging goes on, you will find some Muslims standing alone. Do hug them and greet them. If possible invite them to your home for a meal. Make sure you greet the guards, the watchmen and the gardeners of your
8. Visit the less fortunate

There are many who do not get to spend Eid the way you can. Do not forget them. Visit an old people’s home or an orphanage or even a hospital and share your Eid joys with them.

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