The name of Swat Valley has been attached with terrorism and militancy for the past few years. Foreigners mostly, though erroneously, think that all the people in Swat are terrorists, or supporters of Taliban. The reality could not be any further from this. When Taliban had a strong hold of Swat, some four years back, and Pakistan Army launched an aggressive military operation against them, the locals were displaced in their own country. They left their homes looking for safe havens as the war made Swat a no-go and non residential area.
Some of the people though believe that the people of Swat supported terrorists and had links with them and this caused the operation not to be a full blown success. But this perception is also wrong.
The shining examples of three outstanding personalities from this area prove this misplaced perception totally wrong. They are: Malala Yousafzai, nominee of the International Peace Award and the winner of the first National Peace Award; Dr Lal Noor Afridi, Principal Saidu Medical College (SMC) also the Chief Executive of the Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals (SGTH); and Prof Dr Taj Muhammad Khan, MS SGTH for their splendid jobs in their respective fields during the anarchy in Swat. The government of Pakistan acknowledging their services conferred on them with civil awards Tamgha-i-Shuja’at on the occasion of the Independence Day, 14th August, 2012, for which the investiture ceremony will take place on the coming Pakistan Day, 23rd March, 2012.
The 14-year-old, the pride and daughter of Swat, Malala Yousafzai has proved that the people of Swat are peace loving people. She has not only been awarded nationally but she also nominated for the first International Peace Award. The government of Pakistan awarded Malala Yousafzai the first National Peace Award on her efforts for female education in Swat during the Taliban era.
Talking exclusively to Pakistan Today, Malala Yousafzai, the youth icon, has said that she felt very happy and proud on being given that award. The award was not for only for me but also for the whole people of Swat, especially the young female students, she added.
“This is indeed a confidence booster and Inshallah I will be working for the betterment of women education and would raise voice for their rights at every forum,” she said. Answering a question Malala said that only education could steer the country out of the worst economic conditions. “Education is the only key to eliminate extremism and bring Pakistan to a place worth feeling proud,” Malala said.
She thanked President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari for conferring on her the ‘Tamgha-i-Shuja’at’.
Principal Saidu Medical College and the Chief Executive of the Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals Prof Dr Taj Muhammad Khan while talking to Pakistan Today said that the glory not only belonged to him but to all the people of Swat, especially doctors for their efforts and sacrifices they rendered in order to restore peace in the region.
“Now I will work even harder to make Saidu Medical College one of the best medical colleges in Pakistan and will not leave any stone unturned for the betterment of Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals,” he added.
He further said that his aim was to provide best and quality education to the students. He said that he would build quality education system in Swat very soon. He said that he would raise the standard of education so high that students from across the country would apply there to get their medicine degree.
He thanked health sectary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who with the help of secretary provincial government approved basic facilities and grants for the medical college.
Dr Taj Muhammad Khan worked very hard as the principal of the college which has brought the college among the top 3 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He said that through media he would like to congratulate the people of Swat on this historic achievement.
Sharing his future vision he said that he was working on a dental college for Swat. The case was submitted to the higher authorities and hoped that after the construction of SMC all the problems would be sort out.
Dr Lal Noor Afridi while talking to this correspondent said that it’s a great honor for him and Swat. “We are dedicated and hard working in our duties and Inshallah Allah will bless us with more rewards,” he said.
The people of Swat have expressed immense happiness over the three nominations for ‘Tamgha-i-Shuja’at’.