Pakistan Today

Curiosity: a capitalist toy?

What if there was a little green being, on Mars, that sneaks by and throws a rock at “Curiosity” – the $2.5 billion capitalist toy made to find life on the red planet. Will the next Curiosity edition, be equipped with a weapon? Imagine if Curiosity sends back pictures of a pool of diamonds, surrounded by little green beings, who do not welcome ‘foreign’ machines on their landscape. Will the next mission, include a drone cover?
Where as the presence of this little green being on Mars, throwing a rock, living by a pool of diamonds may sound like a far-fetched and a childish imaginary scenario, the $2.5 billion figure, spent on this project is a fact, good for what? How many lives could have been saved here on earth with this figure? How many starving beings could have been given another morsel, to keep them alive? How many taps could have been provided with water?
What makes the desire to chase an answer to a query worth more than the lives which could have been saved or improved? What is it that justifies, legalizes, obliges pride, and fans competition for such endeavors such that billions are spent on it in utter disregard of the fact that the same amount could have been better spend elsewhere?
Answer: Capitalism, and man’s opinion that he can exclusively legislate what is best for himself.
Contrary to this, in an Islamic state, human value is prioritized, according to the divine injunctions. For this reason, an Islamic government would hasten to rescue those in distress due to famine, like it helped the Irish in 1845. It would revoke patents, and hence exponentially boost production of medication to help the ill – worldwide irrespective of race, color, or creed. It would not let a few own, exploit and than squander the natural resources, it will be manage it for the collective benefit of the common man.
As of yet, Curiosity may be sending back fascinating images, but one is curious, if the images are worth it?

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