US probes Sikh temple shooter’s white power links


Police are investigating the white power ties of the former US soldier who gunned down six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, while the close-knit Indian-American community mourned its dead.
Wade Michael Page, 40, burst into the temple with a 9mm handgun and several magazines of ammunition — all of which had been purchased legally — and opened fire on worshippers attending a Sunday service, authorities said.
Special Agent Teresa Carlson, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Milwaukee office, said Monday the suspect — killed at the scene during a shootout with police — was now the subject of a “domestic terrorism” probe.
“We are looking at ties to white supremacist groups,” she told reporters, noting that the FBI did not have an active file on Page before the incident.
“No law enforcement agency had any reason to believe he was plotting anything,” she said.
But the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group, branded Page a “frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band,” and the SITE Intelligence Group said he was an active skinhead. A former army buddy, Christopher Robillard, told CNN that Page had spoken of “racial holy war, like he wanted it to come,” but added that he never thought the suspected gunman would act on it.
Page was a member of the Hammerskins Nation, a group that describes itself on its website as a “leaderless group of men and women who have adopted the White Power Skinhead Lifestyle,” SITE said in a report.
Page “engaged in extensive online activity” and maintained user accounts on “some of the most prominent white supremacist forums,” SITE said, adding that he issued messages “urging active resistance ‘regardless of the outcome.’”
The Southern Poverty Law Center said the ex-soldier had recently been the leader of the three-man hardcore punk band “End Apathy.”
Photographs of the band on its Myspace webpage ( showed Page with a shaved head and Gothic tattoos all over his body.
Page served as a US military “psychological operations specialist” between April 1992 and October 1998, ending his career at the base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home to the US Army’s airborne forces and Special Operations Command.
He was a qualified parachutist who received several good conduct awards and a National Defense Service Medal, but never won significant promotion.


  1. Should we call it Christian extremism ? rest assure the media and police will call him mentally disturbed and end of the case.

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