Pakistan Today

Sindh govt legislates to protect businessmen

With an aim to ensure security and safety of the business community in Sindh, particularly in the metropolis after the growing incidents of bhatta mafia, the Sindh government has decided to scruitnise the private security guards and to thoroughly check the measures taken by business community at their own, Pakistan Today learnt on Monday.
Moreover, a thorough legislation is underway in this respect which would help the law enforcing agencies to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the city. “The ‘Sindh Shops and Establishments Security Bill’ aims at ensuring security of persons and property of commercial and industrial units, shops and factories,” well-placed sources told Pakistan Today.
The sources said the standing committee had finalized the draft bill and it would be submitted with the Sindh Assembly so that it could be approved from the elected members.
The text of the bill says: “The ‘commercial establishment’ means an establishment which carries on any business or any work in connection with or incidental or ancillary to, a Bank, Money Changer or a financial institution, stock exchange, brokerage houses, hotels (Multinational or otherwise) and includes any other establishment as the Government may, by notification in the official gazette declare to be commercial establishment for the purpose of this Act. (ii) ‘Employer’ means a person owning or having charge of time business of an establishment, and includes an agent or manager or any other person acting on behalf of such person in the general management or control of such establishment. (iv) ‘Industrial establishment’ means a workshop or establishment, industrial unit and includes such other class or classes of establishments as the Government may, by notification in the official gazette declare to be industrial establishment for the purpose of this Act. (v) ‘Shop’ means any premises used wholly or in part for the whole-sale or retail sale of commodities or articles, either for cash or on credit, or where services are rendered to customers, and includes an office, a store room, godown, warehouse or place of work, whether in the same premises or otherwise, mainly used in connection with such trade or business. (vi) ‘Residential hotels means any premises in which a bona fide business is carried on for the supply of dwelling accommodation and meals on payment of a sum of money by a traveller or any other member of the public or class of the public and includes a club. (vii) ‘Restaurants’ and ‘eating house’ means any premises in which is carried on wholly or principally the business of the supply of meals or refreshments to the public or a class of the public for consumption on the premises and (viii) ‘Rules’ means rules made under this Act, 3-The government may by order provide for the regulation of security of and enforcement of measures for the safety and security of the property and persons connected with the Commercial Industrial Establishment and Shops and Factories.
4- The employer of the respective establishment shall report Compliance to the issuing authority of the Government within orders fourteen days of the receipt of the said orders or directives a-If the employer of any establishment contravenes any order made under this Act shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to one month or with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees or with both and if the offence continues, the establishment may be kept sealed till such time the order is complied with.
6-(1) No prosecution shall be initiated against any Employer, for any offence under this Act except by or with the previous sanction of government or other officer or authority specially empowered by government in this behalf.
(2)-No court inferior to that of a magistrate of the first class shall try an offence punishable under this Act or any rule made there under (3)-No court shall take cognisance of any offence under this Act except on a complaint made in writing within six months of the date on which the offence was discovered. Government may, by notification in the official Gazette make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

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