Islam-the road to prosperity


As the Day of Independence of Pakistan reaching closer and faster, the thought begins to revolve in one’s mind, considering why our ancestors did liberate this part of land? What made them to spend their blood and sweat just for a separate piece of earth? Did they face so many hardships and brutality from the Hindus and British just to see Pakistan on the verge of disaster or their vision was something else?
These are some thought provoking questions that we have still not been able to answer. We are still been incapable to decide the path to follow, the system to adopt and the ideology to accept.
Since the independence, we have tried and tested every form of government, from one man show to a parliament of hundreds, but still nothing has got changed. Before 1947 British ruled us and now we are the slaves of America.
We have witnessed well accepted first PM Liaquat Ali Khan, US puppet Field Marshall Ayub Khan, pro-Soviet Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, so called Islamist General Zia-ul-Haq, corrupt Benazir, Nationalistic Nawaz Sharif, coward Pervez Musharraf and now shameless current PPP government.
It’s been long sixty five years we have not found the key to success and the way to prosper. When we see China that was founded two years later after Pakistan’s independence, we feel much pity.
The core reason behind the calamity faced by Pakistan and the Muslim world is the contradiction between its ideology and the system being implemented in those countries. Capitalism and Democracy have failed to suit our belief. The basic tenets of these two notions like majority rule, personal freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of ownership, federalism, sovereignty of man and others are in contradiction with Islam.
Pakistan could not prosper until we eliminate Interest based Capitalist economic system where more than 65% of revenue of the country comes from taxes on the people. Out of these taxes 70% are indirect taxation that are to be paid by even a beggar, unemployed, handicapped, widow, elderly people and children without any differentiation.
While, Islam apply no taxes on common man and taxes like GST, Income tax, withholding tax, toll taxes etc are all illegal and will be abolished in Islamic system. The permanent sources of revenue would only be Kharaj, Jizya, Ushr, the fifth of Al-Rikaz (hidden treasures minerals), import and export duty on foreign traders, Zakat on import and export of the Muslim Trader and Hima (protecting from public properties). The rules related to collection of funds and its distribution constitutes “Economic System” and cannot be taken from other than Islam.
In Democracy, the human needs are unlimited while there are limited resources to fulfill, in result the needs of all the people won’t be fulfilled and the solution lies in the increase in production to fulfill needs of as many people as possible.


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