Ruling coalition pressurizing judiciary to get decisions in its favor: APML


Secretary General, All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif has stated the Pakistan Peoples Party-led ruling alliance wanted to pressurize the judiciary to get decisions its favor.
In a statement issued on Sunday, Barrister Saif said that on one hand PPP-led ruling regime was fanning confrontation with judiciary to rescue one man’s corruption, while on the other hand PML-N and PTI had indulged in a blame-game to prove their dominance in Punjab.
Barrister Saif pointed out that it was the 180 million population of the country who were paying the cost for dereliction of ruling alliance and confrontation of political parties.
Barrister Saif said that APML had started its coordination campaign and for this purpose he was on Karachi’s visit to streamline APML’s coordination with people at grass root level.
Talking about the electoral campaign of APML in the country, Barrister Saif said that APML would announce its full-fledged election campaign with the arrival of APML Quaid Pervez Musharraf in the country. He said that APML Quaid Pervez Musharraf had summoned meeting of APML’s Central Executive Committee at the end of the ongoing month in Dubai, in which arrival plan of Pervez Musharraf would be finalized.
He said that corruption and plunder had become the hallmarks of the ruling alliance.
He further said that the incompetent ruling leadership of the country had maligned Pakistan all over the world by fanning confrontation with the independent and sovereign judiciary of the country.


  1. Mandi Bahauddin: Major Sher Muhammad Gondal President Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society Mandi Bahauddin Chapter said definition of democracy as taught in schools and colleges is “government of the people, by the people, for the people. It is further explained that this definition is meant “rule by the (simple) people”. This type of democracy is not being practiced in our country. The democracy being currently followed does not involve common and the downtrodden people in decision making. No parliamentarian consults people of his constituency for taking people’s opinion. Parliamentarians’ claims that they had mandate of 18 crores of people are false. Rights of people to live, to work, to express, to profess their religions freely are not protected. They can’t decide and plan their future under the present set up of government. Local government is run by bureaucrats instead of elected representatives. BD elections have not been held by incumbents’ governments of all provinces since the time they came in power. People are treated like herds of animal through use of security forces. The democracy practically seems as a maid servant of elite class and it is used in a way to exploit the ruled class and provide benefits to the ruling class and their cronies. The rulers have invented strange techniques to prolong their rule in the name of democracy. They, in order to secure points blame each other through media although none of them is sacred cows and they are product of scandals. People have resented this negative conduct of rulers who often chatter on TV channel shows. The other way to befool people is that they have turned superior courts as their battle field to get their scandals decided through litigation on the cost of public money and miseries. They know that litigation will never end and by this way they would succeed to complete their tenure. They also propagate against martial law and army despite knowing existence of country depends on military. They know well they were grown up under the patronage of GHQ. What people should do to get rid of these false democrats? The best thing is that all old democratic leaders should say goodbye themselves to politics seeing their failure in their performance and for destroying the national institutions. The other way is that people should stand up to field candidates from amongst themselves who bear good character and are capable of running government for the betterment of masses. They should boycott all those candidates who purchase party tickets for contesting elections on payment of heavy amounts. If the people do not do it the same old corrupt rulers would come in power in the upcoming elections and masses will remain hostage to them. There would be no collective progress and what ever is left in form of half dead and crippled institutions would be completely wiped out. He said Gen Musharraf is suitable person to run the country. Ex-servicemen will support him wholeheartedly during upcoming elections. He also said that person to be selected or nominated as interim PM for holding elections should be honest and a ruthless administrator. Lt Gen retired Faiz Ali Chishti has all potentials for appointment of interim PM. People should pressurize incumbent government to appoint him PM for holding transparent election.
    Sher Gondal

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