CJ orders action over obscenity on Pakistani TV channels


The Supreme Court has ordered Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority (PEMRA) chairman to take measures to stop obscenity on TV channels.
While hearing a letter filed by justice (retd) Wajihuddin and former Jamaat-e-Islami chief Kazi Hussain Ahmed against obscenity aired on TV channels, Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry observed on Monday that TV channels are “spreading vulgarity” and Pemra is doing nothing to prevent it.
A three members bench including Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was hearing the case. Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry slammed media and the regulatory authority saying that some TV shows which were aired solely for the purpose of maligning the judiciary.
While observing that TV channels now air press conferences and programmes against the judiciary, the Supreme Court ordered the Pemra acting chairman to pull out the record related to such programmes and bring it before the court in the next hearing.
The Court fined 17 different TV channels over vulgarity and other issues but they sought stay orders from the courts, CJ added.
Later, the court directed Chairman PEMRA to halt all the vulgar content on any Television channel and present a report within a week.


    • You probably meant Zionist…but really…zionists are responsible for all the ills of the Pakistani society, corruption, poverty, etc. and the masses have nothing to do with it? May be only if people like you can pull your butts out of your behind, you will start to see things clearly.

    • So, let me see if I understood this…all the ills in Pakistan are due to Zionists and their conspiracies and not because of corruption, lack of justice, poverty, etc.?

  1. Could these scholars of Righteousness and Modesty eloborate those channels that showed Indecency and were spoiling the minds of the people. This reminds me of Sura 24 -ayat 4: And those who launch a charge against chaste women and produce not four witnesses( to support their allegations) flog them with 80 stripes and reject their evidence everafter. For such men are transgressors:-
    This is a translation of the Ayat and not the interpretation; For interpretation the power of reason in form of logic is an open page that can either be presented deductively or inductively, could this be difficult for those who have accussed the TV channels to bring forth inprint the charges.

  2. No matter what they show on TV,just like the real life,we all have a choice to either do the right thing or go in the wrong direction.Not showing the obscenity on TV won't change the thinking,they have to lead by example,change their mentality.Politicians continue to show their true colors,which sets a very bad example for our up and coming generation.Although I do agree that there should be a standard of decency.What about the dramas they show which have all the romance,girls going all out to see their boy friends and so on,isn't that against the code of conduct for muslims.So please,give it a rest.

    • Jewish-supported channels? Looks like the jewish-phobia has clout your judgement. How about you put your own house (Pakistan) in order first? The problem with people like you is that you blame 'others' for all ills and do not take responsibility of your own actions. The moment something bad happens, it must be the the Indians or the Jews but it can't be YOU, right. WTF.

  3. obscenity ???? look who is talking about ethics and decency ???
    another tacit by CJ to divert attention from real issues such his own complicity in sons corruption?

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