Zardari vows to rule Punjab


President Asif Ali Zardari has declared Sindh a PPP fortress and vowed to rule Punjab in future.
He expressed his satisfaction with power projects in Sindh in his meeting with Nawab Wasan Khan and Manzoor Wasan on Sunday.
The president also met with locals of the Naudero and discussed their problems while issuing on-the-spot orders for the solution of their problems.
He announced that he would personally sit in Punjab government after formation of next PPP government in the province.
“If I had wanted, I could have even refused Punjab government to Nawaz Sharif”, he added.
He also announced that political war would continue; and that elections would be transparent and fair.
He further said that “I have given a new PPP loyalist” to those “who had snatched former PM Gilani from PPP rule”.


    • we already have lot of hate in our society for jews, ahmadis, hindus, shias etc. Can't we be sober in our comment. thank you

  1. Majority Of Pakistan Is Illiterete or uneducated and that is Where PPP get all the Votes Cuz Thats how its always been.People cant change parties and deal with being called a lota by there Whole town so they stick to it,Hope Everyone can Think less about themself and more about the Country when Voting this time,But me saying this dosent matter Cuz the ppl WHo are Goin to vote for ppp are not on fb -_-!

    • I agree with you.Can't we just wait rather than shout from the tree tops. The elections are just around the corner. We have waited over 4 years. Let us trust the Pakistani people to vote with their heads rather than hearts. The most important thing is for the media is to neutral but is it?

      • Electioons will never change pakistani political dimensions. Write my words..Its a FRAUD of the Ruling mafia

        • So what do you suggest? The answer should be in real terms and not wishful thinking. I have no other thoughts other than above but then i don't live in Pakistan –the land of pure!
          By the way the eagle (Rehman) has landed!

  2. Hahahahahha. Agli hakoomat Sindh mein bhee bana le tou Bari baat hogi, Punjab ke khwab dekh raha ha

  3. How can he dream to rule punjab. Punjabi CJ, Punjabi Chief, Punjabi Anchors, Punjabi tajir beraderi, Punjabi defah e Pakistan council and Punjabi leaders Nawaz and Imran would stop him.

    • But you are talking about Pakistan brother,everything is possible here specially if you are the President of the country and of the ruling party.Thats a scary thought right there.

      • You rightist goof, you did not understand Mr. Ashiq Hussain's point. Mr. Ashiq Hussain good piece of satire.

  4. Majority Of Pakistan Is Illiterete or uneducated and that is Where PPP get all the Votes Cuz Thats how its always been.People cant change parties and deal with being called a lota by there Whole town so they stick to it,Hope Everyone can Think less about themself and more about the Country when Voting this time,But me saying this dosent matter Cuz the ppl WHo are Goin to vote for ppp are not on fb -_-!

  5. What Zardari means is that PPP has destroyed Karachi,now they want to turn to Punjab.Its now up to every Pakistani to decide what is important to them and who the people will elect to get them there.Its very obvious that this PPP government is incompetent,cannot provide people with the absolute basics like electricity and water and I have'nt mention the other major issues.So our country is 80% uneducated,but I hope that they are not stupid to make the same mistakes again.The people have to see,feel and realize what is happening all around them.If you as a Pakistani find yourself sitting in the dark for hours out of the day,if you find buying food harder and harder,its time for a change.

    • Mr. Desi you are not that intellectual at all that you pose to be and ur remarks are clearly superficial and portray a wishful thinking. You keep on shouting and I m sur in heart you did not actually want PPP to perform, because that cud hv stopped ur favorite leader from coming into power. Do think load-shedding will finish next day PPP will be out of power. This is the result of policies of those who were in power 10 years age, because energy policies are formulated 10-15 years in advance. Just try to use ur mind.

      • you are still crying over last 10 years my friend,my thoughts are'nt superficial,they are realistic.And there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking,everything has to start with a wish and a thought before it can become a reality.I agree that this power crisis started years ago but it has become far worse then it ever was,EVER.And what has this government done to minimize the shortages? absolutely nothing.I'm a realist with a hint of hope,can you understand that mr.smarty pants.

  6. I truly would be in pain if a single Sindhi brother/ sister votes for this devil of a man. Have we not seen with our own eyes how corrupt, evil, scheming man Zardari is?

    May he who votes for PPP, MQM & PML (Q & N) deserve the pain and suffering for the next four years. And may Allah spite them for a lifetime for betraying their brothers & sisters in the time of need (thats elections).

    • You live in a fool's paradise. Dont think Sindhies to be so fool as to vote for rightist like Nawaz or who hv created these problems 15 years ago when they cancelled 5000MW power projects by BB govt and also they cancelled 5000MW TharCoal because your foolish leader declared that Pakistan did not need that much electricity and now you r facing the result of this loadshedding. All due to ur leader's lack of foresightedness.

  7. Here is a question for you our so called President,should'nt you be declaring to weed out corruption,should'nt you be declaring to eliminate load shedding,should'nt you be declaring to eliminate hunger,should'nt you be declaring to end poverty,should'nt you be declaring to make Pakistan strong????????????? But as usual you deal with issues being the party leader rather then the president.You are a sorry excuse for a man and you have proved it time and again.I have no expectations,no hope,because there is no hope for Pakistan and absolutely no hope for the people of Pakistan so as long as you are in power.

    • Talk sense. Do not try to make a speech. If u had been that much capable you wud hv been in his seat.

      • I just did,did'nt I,get over it or jump over it fool.He's a thief and he is corrupt,and thats a fact.Go whine your tune to someone else,he won't get any support from me.If he can answer any of my questions with some regard to the on going non sense,I will take my words back.Until then,buzz off.d.a.m.n. ppp supporters

  8. And we would be in pain if our Punjabi brothers vote for terrorist and sectarian sympathisers like Nawaz and Imran. Please Punjabi brothers, don't act like you did with Bengalis…..!

  9. Inshallah next time Punjabies including me would never vote for terrorist sponsors and supporters who have destroyed Punjab and Pakistan's economy.Nawaz and Co hv destroyed Pakistan by supporting terrorist outfits, and sectarianism. Nawaz is responsible for present load shedding because he cancelled 10000MW Benazir-initiated Powewr projects including TharCoalPower projects by declaring that Pakistan did not need that much electricity. These people lacked foresight and result of their policies is before us. Go Nawaz Go

  10. "Zaedari vows to rule Punjab". I thought political leaders serve the people, not rule the people. Shows zardari's mindset. It maybe acceptable for jiayalas because they are used to being ruled but it should raise a red flag for the rest of the people when politicians start using word like "rule".

    • Dont try to split hair. Pls suggest what alternative word shud he use? Making hill out of a mole.

      • @Anti-Nawaz. I already did. I suggested the word "serve". It shows the way of thinking. The proof is in the facts. Just look at his four year "rule". He has ruled, not served. If he had served, Pakistan would be a different country now. The words "rule" and "serve" are on the opposite side of the spectrum. I hope that you don't confuse the two words and don't take them to mean the same thing. If a head of a state in the western civilized world used this kind of language, his/her political career would be over. But then again, they are civilized and educated unlike the ignorant and stupid jiayala breed in Pakistan who keep voting for ppp without ever realizing that ppp has done nothing for the people of Pakistan. I would love to hear their accomplishments. There are NONE.

    • You have hit the nail on the head. President Zardari is suffering from Hubris Syndrome! But moslem history of being ruled is embedded in our psyche.Look all over the moslem world. Mr Zardari is perpetuating a known fact. Why blame the jiayailas.! They have the same right to vote like any body else. We should make them aware of the choices available.
      Let us all be pakistanis and nothing else. Have we not learn the lesson of our own history!

      • Excellently put & I agree. Provincial differences need to be eliminated, thats what creating all of this chaos. But then Zardari, Nawaz & MQM relish this as they can win votes with their 'oh so sympathetic' ministers.

        May Allah's wrath be upon these corrupt so called leaders. May they burn like BB here and in the hereafter InshaAllah.

  11. Hahahahahha. Agli hakoomat Sindh mein bhee bana le tou Bari baat hogi, Punjab ke khwab dekh raha ha

  12. With a tussle between PTI/PML-N/PML-Q for Punjab, the PPP may just squeak in. If they do, forget a new southern Punjab (election gimmick).

    GOD help Punjab and Pakistan if they do win Punjab

  13. Majority Of Pakistan Is Illiterete or uneducated and that is Where PPP get all the Votes Cuz Thats how its always been.People cant change parties and deal with being called a lota by there Whole town so they stick to it,Hope Everyone can Think less about themself and more about the Country when Voting this time,But me saying this dosent matter Cuz the ppl WHo are Goin to vote for ppp are not on fb -_-!

  14. Dream on Mr. Zardari. You will be lucky to win a majority in Sind this time. Perhaps you don't know, the ground under your feet has shifted already.

  15. Never have seen a politician who has such a visible bias against Punjab, such as Mr Zardari. In 4 years of his abuse he has punished this country and driven it to stone ages depriving it of electricity. Today the poor are driven to desperation and suicide while the waderas and thakurs have benefitted from his policy of raising the support price of agriculture produce to international level, while the poor haris and peasants are not paid even minimum wages

  16. @Zain Kalam! you are right majority of PPP supporters are not on FB that is why result of election at FB & ground reality is different. On the other hand I wish to state that majority of our educated people are not wise and impressed with propaganda. If PML-N & PTI fight against each other, result can be according to Zardari’s wish.

  17. @Zain Kalam! you are right majority of PPP supporters are not on FB that is why result of election at FB & ground reality is different. On the other hand I wish to state that majority of our educated people are not wise and impressed with propaganda. If PML-N & PTI fight against each other, result can be according to Zardari's wish.

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