PR decides to outsource trains to keep things going


Pakistan Railways has outsourced three trains and would soon outsource additional trains to control losses and improve its performance.
Shalimar, Rohi and Hazara Express have been outsourced while a new business express was also launched as a joint venture with the private sector to facilitate the passengers.
According to Pakistan Railways, it has adopted measures and is making efforts to recover outstanding amount due from other departments and companies. It introduced new signaling system on the network to minimize detentions and save fuel.
The other step was reaching out to the private sector to utilise idle capacity in the Railway system through track access policy.
The strategy of railway administration is to repair and maintain existing locomotives and procurement of new locomotives and in this regard, efforts are being made to get sufficient funds from the government for rehabilitation of required locomotives, rolling stock and purchase of spare parts and fuel etc. On the operating side, the initiative of ECO train was taken to capitalise through establishing international linkages while new agreement with Pakistan State Oil was made for uninterrupted supply of fuel.


  1. I will be not surprised if they outsourced to zordari and its coronies. They know they are gonna loose this time so get hold of as much resources as possible.

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