Power outages persist despite tall claims


Despite the tall claims by the government of ending power load shedding during Ramadan, there appears to be no end to electricity outages. The power shortfall has gone up to 5,500 megawatt, resulting in around 13 hours of load shedding in urban and 15 hours in rural areas of the country. And power also remained absent in several cities at exactly Seher and Iftar times, despite the government’s claims of ensuring power supply at these two times. The power generation, which was taken up to the level of 14,000MW a few days ago, has once again come down to 12,000MW, with the demand maintaining itself at 17,500MW. A spokesman for the Energy Management Cell attributed the shortfall to limited supply of furnace oil to power stations, besides the closure of the Chashma-I and Chashma-II plants that were contributing 650MW. He said PSO had cut down the supply of furnace oil due to non-payment and power stations were currently receiving 20,000 tons of furnace oil, instead of 38,000 tons a day. An official said that the government had allocated only Rs119 billion of the total Rs 338 billions for WAPDA for the fiscal year 2011-12. Half of amount remained un-audited just to hide the utilization of funds from the general public. Similarly, the cost of Mangla Upraising Project rose to Rs 102 billion from the estimated Rs 62 billion merely due to unnecessary delays in releasing funds by the government. Financial irregularities also remained another hallmark of the government as Neelum-Jhelum Hydro Project was required to be ensured by the NICL, but concerned officials got bank securities from non accredited financial institutions. The official further said that amid such prevailing sorrow state of affairs, the government was required to fix power tariff in accordance with the rules and regulations set by National Electronic Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) with a special focus on ‘Energy Conservation’ to overcome the challenge confronted by the nation.


  1. i am from lahore let me tell you its not only electricity outrage yesterday day at the time of iftari we didn’t have gas and during iftari we faced electricity failure i am not taking about suburbs of lahore i live in the centre of lahore

  2. it is not 5000 mgwt shortfal.it is corruption of 5000 billion by pppzardari,mqm,anp,mlc the ruling coalition mafia.unless it is not 'out-aged-thrown out,everything will keep rotting

  3. This so-called broader alliance is cheating and deceiving the poor people of Pakistan,particulary Punjab,but I am afraid why some group of people are still with them.If this behaviour will continue,peolpe will suffer too much in future.Try solidly to get rid of this government at any cost and give chances to PML Nawaz to solve your problems.

  4. @Mr.Butt,your name says it all for wanting to give PMN-L a chance,really?Seems we are all screaming our concerns every time I read the papers and we will continue to do so until we are blue in the face,but one thing is for certain,the government will not do a damn thing to fix any of it.Its time to stop talking about it and do something,and the only thing to do is to vote,do not stay home,make your voice heard,your vote count,vote,vote,vote.Talk is cheap,its time for some real action.We are all tired of the empty promises of both PPP and PML-N,government promises no load shedding,guess what,no bati,PML-N promises cheaper groceries for Ramazan,guess what,you can’t find flour and sugar and the shop keepers are crying over the Punjab government not giving them part of the billions of rupees they are suppose to be giving the shop keepers so they can sell the products on cheaper rates.How long do we as Pakistanis take this abuse,how long do we keep falling for these empty promises,how long do we live in the dark with no water while the politicians enjoy their heaven like life styles.

  5. i am from lahore let me tell you its not only electricity outrage yesterday day at the time of iftari we didn't have gas and during iftari we faced electricity failure i am not taking about suburbs of lahore i live in the centre of lahore

  6. even at places which were nt in such a bad state earlier… shamless govt.

  7. nauseating to say the least,….hazar lant for those sitting in position of power and still not doing anything!

  8. i am from lahore let me tell you its not only electricity outrage yesterday day at the time of iftari we didn't have gas and during iftari we faced electricity failure i am not taking about suburbs of lahore i live in the centre of lahore

  9. The Government has made Razaman ul Mubarak most horrific rather than providing relief. The surprising thing is that power outages instantly increased from the night of Ramazan Chand Raat. Load shedding timings are most troublesome. I am telling you about Abbotabad where loadshedding is being carried out for 2 hours after every 2 years. Sometime this duration even increases. There is no sense of power outage between 2 PM – 6 PM and night time from 9PM – 11 PM and then from 1 AM to 2 AM (1 hours) and then again in the morning from 06.00 AM to 08 AM. It clearly indicates the satanic intention of "whoever" is behind the power outages.
    And what a pity!! the 18 crore awam of this ill-fated country has now transformed literally into Heejras as they are totally mum on this grave situation. Even media is lip-tight on this issue of exceeding load shedding during Ramazan ul Mubarak.

  10. The Government has made Razaman ul Mubarak most horrific rather than providing relief. The surprising thing is that power outages instantly increased from the night of Ramazan Chand Raat. Load shedding timings are most troublesome. I am telling you about Abbotabad where loadshedding is being carried out for 2 hours after every 2 years. Sometime this duration even increases. There is no sense of power outage between 2 PM – 6 PM and night time from 9PM – 11 PM and then from 1 AM to 2 AM (1 hours) and then again in the morning from 06.00 AM to 08 AM. It clearly indicates the satanic intention of "whoever" is behind the power outages.
    And what a pity!! the 18 crore awam of this ill-fated country has now transformed literally into Heejras as they are totally mum on this grave situation. Even media is lip-tight on this issue of exceeding load shedding during Ramazan ul Mubarak.

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