$30 billion? Sounds realistic enough


The Attock Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) said business community will help government realise export targets under the new three-year Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2012-2015. Export target of $30 billion is realistic, the private sector can help government achieve the goal which will require workable development initiatives backed by enabling social, political and investment environment, it said. Business community is awaiting new trade policy and pinning high hopes on newly-appointed Secretary Commerce Munir Qureshi who is considered a business friendly official, said President ACCI Tariq Mehmood,. He said that national business leaders including CACCI VP Tariq Sayeed, VP Saarc CCI Iftikhar Ali Malik, FPCCI President Haji Ghulam Kadir Khan Sherani and others have assured all out assistance and cooperation to the government functionaries in realising the entire objectives provided enabling environment is guaranteed. Tariq Mehmood said that first three-year trade policy framework which is to end in next nine days failed to achieve goals due to energy crisis, want to business friendly tax-system, capacity building and certification issues, export subsidies and lack of interest by finance ministry to provide funds to commerce ministry.