UNICEF not ready for possible floods!


The UNICEF Pakistan needs US$ 2.828 million to achieve the critical level of preparedness required to enable an immediate emergency response, given the indication of major floods, combined with areas of drought, affecting the country for the third year in a row.
The funds will be used for a critical package of emergency supplies, which will allow UNICEF to immediately reach a large number of affected people in three key-life saving sectors, health, nutrition and wash. The funds will also be utilised to secure the minimal coordination capacity in wash and nutrition.
The UNICEF has already started to arrange sufficient supplies to cover an overall caseload of 100,000 people with maternal and child health services and vaccinations; community management of acute malnutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Although the Pakistan Meteorological Department forecasts that the monsoons in 2012 may only range between 5 and 15 per cent above normal levels, it is vital to prepare for the likelihood of serious floods in 2012 as the 2010 and 2011 unexpected floods proved. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) foresees the worst case scenario would affect 29 million people in 29 districts across Pakistan. Provincial and regional meteorological forecasting is for localized flooding and also areas of drought. This has already been occurring.