1. Very difficult situation! But to some extent tribal people are also right. Drones are killing them and government is not doing anything to save their lives from USA but government is ready to save them from polio. Government is responsible for their deaths in drone attacks. They must be stopped! Tribal people are trying to pressurize government for stopping of drone attacks. They are dying, they will try every thing to stop it. Its human nature. We should put ourselves in their shoes and then decide either they are doing wrong or right.

    • I agree Furqan but refusing Polio drops is not sensible. They are endangering their loved one, our children by exposing them to the life long danger of Polio.

  2. You do have a point Furqan. Drones are killing many more people than polio and they must be stopped. Nevertheless it is not right to set a wrong right by committing another wrong. What do those poor kids who end up getting polio have to do with this mess? if you know anyone who has had polio you will know what an awful disease it is.

  3. One another thing not long ago there are some people in pakistan who used polio and vaccination for spying purposes not for humanitarian specially in KPK and Tribal areas, so how can they trust it.

    • So the answer is instead of vetting the vaccinators they should allow their own children to suffer? That logic escapes me.

  4. Tribals are at the mercy of Arabs, chechen, afghan terrorists…Its not thier voice.

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