US to use ‘all elements of power’ to halt nuclear Iran


The United States will use “all elements of American power” to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said late on Monday at a press conference in Jerusalem.
“We will use all elements of American power to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon,” she said in reference to Tehran’s disputed nuclear programme, which Washington and much of the West believes is a cover for a weapons drive.
Her remarks, which carried an implied threat of military action — a course of action never ruled out by Washington — came just days after the United States imposed a wave of fresh sanctions on Iran targeting companies tied to Tehran’s procurement, petroleum, and shipping networks.
And she accused the Islamic Republic of presenting unworkable proposals in its talks with the P5+1 world powers. “I made very clear that the proposals we have seen thus far from Iran within the P5+1 negotiations are non-starters,” she said of the latest round of talks, which took place in Istanbul earlier this month.
“Despite three rounds of talks it appears that Iran has yet to make the strategic decision to address the international community’s concerns and fulfil its obligations.”
Following a day of top-level talks with the Israeli leadership over a range of regional issues, Clinton said the Obama administration was “in close consultation with Israel” over ways to increase the pressure on Tehran. “We talked about concrete steps that we can take to continue to build the pressure,” she said.
“We are pressing forward in close consultation with Israel…. And I think it is fair to say we are on the same page at this moment, trying to figure our way forward to have the maximum impact on effecting the decisions that Iran makes.”
Because of US efforts to rally the international community to tackle the Iranian nuclear threat, Tehran was “under greater pressure than ever before. That pressure will continue and increase,” she said. “We all prefer a diplomatic resolution and Iran’s leaders have the opportunity to make the right decision. The choice is ultimately Iran’s,” she added.


  1. The US (and Pakistan could lead the way!) might better look at a universal truth, rather counter-intuitive to political bureaucrats steeped in realpolitik: the US should lead the path by putting ” 0-Nuclear Armaments for All On Earth ” as a Global Policy principle and follow it by reducing its own arsenal to 0 by a given date. Leaders lead by example, not threat: the majorityworld is made up of adults that care for the earth, history and our children=children’s children.

  2. The US (and Pakistan could lead the way!) might better look at a universal truth, rather counter-intuitive to political bureaucrats steeped in realpolitik: the US should lead the path by putting " 0-Nuclear Armaments for All On Earth " as a Global Policy principle and follow it by reducing its own arsenal to 0 by a given date. Leaders lead by example, not threat: the majorityworld is made up of adults that care for the earth, history and our children=children's children.

  3. International relations are never static but tend to be dynamic. I recall when Shah of Iran was in power he was positively encouraged to go nuclear so that in partnership with Irael it could act as the regional policeman. Then came the Ayatullah revolution and the descpicable act of hostage taking without parallel in the history of diplomacy. USA has never forgiven iran for it. But still behind the scenes the two countries have co operated with each other. Take the example of Afghanistan when USA and its allies attacked to get rid of Taliban Govt. Iran closed its borders to the taliban. It helped to bring the NOrthern alliance first together and later on leaned on it to accept Hamid Karazi as the President. It also allowed USA use of its air space and evt, search and rescue operation if any american pilot was forced down. Now the two countries are at loggerheads again breathing cold and hot air again. How much is the window dressing is any bodys guess. Some where down the line Iran is going to blink but how to do it is the question but nothing is going to happen in the near future because of elections in USA. Hilary Clinton can make dire predictions–they should be taken on face level. President Obama might send a cake to Ayatullah soon since Eid is not far off. After Syria Iran is the ultimate prize!

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