Petrol prices to be slashed further


Petrol prices are likely to be reduced further by Rs 2.5 per liter from July 15. According to sources, the price of high speed diesel is likely to remain stable while a rise of Rs 4 per liter in the price of POBC, Rs 2 per liter for kerosene oil and Rs 1.75 for light diesel oil by is expected. OGRA has begun preparations in order to execute this project of modifying fuel prices.


  1. nothing to appreciate, we paid double prices for more than 4 years…and this is not a relief but first initiative towards Election campaign….!!

  2. the fraudulent,looter,liar government is proven.they have ruined poor,safaudposh by purpose.may Allah ruib then ti pieces especially the most corrupt president and his bithadi mafia

  3. Our Public is no different from an Ostrich that keeps it's head deep in sand when trouble comes it's way. As elections approach the weasels begin placing the eggs one at a time back so that the Ostrich could sit on and help hatch it! So lets see how awake are we!

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