ANP balks at supporting partner


The 22nd amendment bill was placed before the Senate today. One of the primary clauses in the introduced legislation is the removal of the bar on dual nationality in Pakistan’s parliament.
The government’s coalition partner, the Awami National Party (ANP) has refused to put their weight behind the bill.
Pakistan Peoples Party stalwarts, Senator Raza Rabbani and Aitzaz Ahsan are reportedly hesitant in supporting the proposed amendment.
Ex-chairman of the Senate, Farroq H. Naek presented the 22nd amendment bill.
Naek said that Pakistan had agreements with 16 countries over dual nationality, and therefore citizens of such countries should be allowed to contest elections.
The law minister said that Article 63(1)(c) of the constitution was unfair to Pakistanis residing in foreign countries.
Members of ANP in the Senate questioned the motives of the proposed legislation, while clearly stating that the party will oppose such an amendment.
The bill has been submitted before the relevant standing committee for deliberation. Naek stated that those members opposing the bill would have the opportunity to voice their concerns.
While dual nationals have the right to vote in general elections, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified members of parliament as the court found them to be in direct violation of Article 63.


  1. Which are the sixteen countries that this government has signed dual nationality treaty!
    Is their currency equivalent in value to Pak Rupee and can Pakistanis also holding the other nation's nationality contest for elections to the Parliament of those 16 countries!

    • use ur mind. Not this govt signed those agreements. They are in effect since very very long as we are member of Common Wealth. People start speaking without geting to know on any topic.

  2. 22nd Amendment Bill is an absolute non-sense.


  3. I am myself a dual citizen. When we take apply citizenship, we fully understand its consequences. Majority of dual citizens do not want imported Prime Ministers. The bill is just to please USA and its agents in the form of dual citizens.

    Can anyone tell from what date dual citizenship was allowed with USA. Not until Mr. Corruption Aziz became PM. And the start date of dual citizenship with USA has been deliberately avoided just to accommodate Mr. Aziz. Is that fair, NO. He became a foreign citizen long before Pakistan allowed dual citizenship with USA. Thus his Pakistani citizenship stands annulled, because that was the law applicable to him at the time he became US citizen.

    I guess the story of dual citizenship with rest of 15 countries is also similar.

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