PSC boosts science literacy among students


The Pakistan Science Club (PSC) has started project of science clubs in school to boost science literacy among regional elementary and middle school students through innovative university and community partnerships.
It is an out-of-school-hour or in School-hours club that offers children the chance to do science-related activities that extend and enhance the science they experience in the classroom. The club offers exciting hands-on science, problem solving, and creative design classes for kids 2-12 to explore the wonders of science all around them.
PSC President Abdul Rauf said all students have a caring, qualified adult to spark and support their interest in science. The main objective is to boost science literacy among regional elementary and middle school students through innovative university and community partnerships. The club aims to organise meetings and relevant events,to encourage interest in science and technology, to provide opportunities and facilities to support scientific interest to encourage a spirit of comradeship and to liaise with other organizations who share these aims.
The PSC president said research shows that out-of-school hours learning or study support is widely recognized to lead to improvements in school performance. This can manifest as improved motivation and a positive impact on attitudes, he said. He said this learning journey provides guidance on running and setting up a science club.
It was created as part of the creative minds project. Creative Minds aims to provide young people with learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), using museums, libraries and archives. The most exciting part of such a club is the opportunity to meet people from other schools.
If neighboring schools were encouraged to form similar clubs, then these clubs could communicate with each other and form some joint organization with representatives from each school. This larger group could then organize much bigger projects such as regional science expos and other interesting inter-school events.