Musharraf convenes party meeting on 14th in Dubai


Former President Pervez Musharraf has summoned a meeting of All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) in Dubai on July 14 to remove differences within the party.
Media reports quoting sources said that Gen (retd) Musharraf has threatened to perge APML in Pervez Musharraf Foundation if the differences were not removed.
The APML secretary information Asia Ishaq has termed the difference as beauty of politics.
It is pertinent to mention that Musharraf had appointed Maqsood Mueen and party’s finance secretary after which differences crept up in the party.


  1. musharraf is an example that a fallen man never takes rest from preventing further fall. He will get more peace and happiness if he retires and plays with his grand children, if they will accept him. He had done enough damage To his Mother country. It is time he withdrwas from further damages.

  2. There is this group thick politician who doesn’t get it. What ever you tell them and what ever you put before them they just don't get it.

    These 'English speaking ignorant' politicians of the type of Nawaz, Zardari and Musharraf must understand that they do not earn any respect by shoe policing Western Governments. In fact this triggers a colonial sense of power in them and they start to be abrasive.

    Treat them on equal footing and they will respect you; recent examples are Gen Shuja Pasha's refusal to give in to the US generals and Gen Kayani's refusal to see US under Secretary of State.

  3. There is this group of thick politician who doesn’t get it. What ever you tell them and what ever you put before them they just don't get it.

    These 'English speaking ignorant' politicians of the type of Nawaz, Zardari and Musharraf must understand that they do not earn any respect by shoe policing Western Governments. In fact this triggers a colonial sense of power in them and they start to be abrasive.

    Treat them on equal footing and they will respect you; recent examples are Gen Shuja Pasha's refusal to give in to the US generals and Gen Kayani's refusal to see US under Secretary of State.

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