Parliament is mother of all institutions: PM


Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf said on Wednesday that parliament was the mother of all institutions and country’s solidarity and destiny lies in accepting of its sanctity and supremacy wholeheartedly.
He expressed these views while presiding over the meeting of PPP parliamentarians from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) here at the Governor’s House.
Addressing the parliamentarians, prime minister said each state institution had its own limits which should be respected and honored. The parliament, he continued, had set jurisdictions of all institutions through legislation.
He also clarified that government had no differences with any state institution including judiciary which enjoys its reverence and respect at all levels.
Prime Minister said parliament was a forum which gave representation to 180 million people and its respect was mandatory on all state institutions as it legislate and amend constitution.
He said Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) strongly believes in true essence of democracy as it was the only system in which all stakeholders get chance in decision making. Our leaders including Quaid-e-Awam Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed and his daughter Benazir Bhutto Shaheed had laid down their lives for democracy and rights of people.
Raja Pervez Ashraf said he was proud to be a worker of PPP that made a simple party activist the prime minister of Pakistan with a two-third majority.
He said that PPP had a long history of matchless sacrifices and had always steered the country out of difficult challenges and would continue to serve masses with more dedication and commitment.
The prime minister said restoration of 1973 constitution through passage of 18th amendment, NFC award, giving identity to Pakhtoons, rehabilitation/resettlement of over 2.5 million Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) of Malakand Division and granting provincial autonomy to federating units were major achievements of the present elected government.
He said further that he was aware of the fact that biggest challenge of present government was resolving energy shortfall. He said if the electricity policy chalked out by Benazir Bhutto in 1994 was not hampered, today the country was self sufficient in electricity generation.
However, he said, present government had added around 3400 MW electricity in the system and taking emergency measures for reducing the duration of load shedding.


        • @Malik. Are you admitting that PM made a mistake by declaring parliament as the mother of all institutions?

      • Do you have a crystal ball to see if I'm punjabi. Don't show your ignorance on public forums. Go and crawl back in your mother's hole.

      • @ HasanRanji. Your name should have Rundi because thats what you are to ppp workers 🙂


          • @HasanRundi. Please be nice and don't talk to your daddy like this. It is not nice to say things like that about your grandmother 🙂

      • @AWAN. Tell your mom to work a little harder and send you to some english classes first.

  1. I fully agree with Raja Pervez Ashraf that Parliament is mother of all institutions but he forgot to mention that the Supreme court plays the role of a father in smooth running of the system.

  2. From now on, EVERY MPA, MNA car I see, I will send him a million curses.

    May Allah destroy them all in the worst horrible manner. A slow & painful death.

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