Musharraf wanted Iran to make peace with Israel


Former military ruler General (r) Pervez Musharraf has said that he tried as president to convince Iran to make peace with Israel and abandon its nuclear ambitions. Musharraf, during an interview conducted by Atlantic Media Company owner David Bradley, spoke about his 2006 “peace effort” to bring reconciliation between Israel and the Arab world. Musharraf flew to Iran to visit President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and said he tried to get Iran to pursue a path to peace with Israel, the Foreign Policy magazine reports.
He said that he urged the Islamic nation to move away from the development of nuclear weapons, but that he made no progress. “They are determined to develop a nuclear arsenal… I did not succeed,” the report quoted him as saying. “But Iran has not posed any threat, so they need not go nuclear,” he added. In another interview, Musharraf said that he was returning to Pakistan next year to help the failing state. In a recent interview to Aspen Ideas Festival Media Company, Musharraf resembled himself with former US president Abraham Lincoin, saying he had broken the constitution to save the country. INP/NNI


  1. Who is bloody Musharaf asking Iran to go ahead peace mission with Israel?Musharaf is jews and his statement must be thought seriously and banned his entry in Pakistan He is anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan person.

  2. Musharraf talks sense while we live in denial. Even if his efforts failed it was worth a try. Why do we villify him so much? He is neither anti islam nor anti pakistan. He is being pragmatic and realist.
    I am sticking me hands in a hornets nest so be it.

  3. because like turkey a different approach is better. first gain economic and military strength then threaten. be realistic your not fighting israel your fighting the whole western world, and for peace with israel you can get trade with whole the western world, the money you earn doesn't have to be spend on short skirts and hollywood, it can be spend on weapons for defence against your enemies.

    strategicly you should know when what to talk, musharraf wasn't pro american, it just looked like that, he was the biggest backstabber of america while taking their money, but little do you understand

  4. Musharraf term was by far the best Pakistan has ever had. Compare his rule to any other's. We ran him out of the country to get zardar,gillani, kiayani, nawaz family and mqm thugs. If this is what Pakistan wanted then why are people complaining? You reap what you sow.

    • Sir MQM was there even in his rule. If you compare a tenure by earnings then he may be the best. BUt now you can see what happenes whan you expand your spendings, and these extra spendings are the gift of THis MUsharaf. Tenures should be judged by mental trainings of nations not by money,

      • @Aqeel Meraj. Yes. MQM was there with Musharraf. I am not implying that everything he did was right. I am only saying that his term was far better than what we have had under any other ruler. Yes, earnings were good but there was also better law and order, more merit based promotions, less drone strikes, more respect in the world, less corruption, less infighting, less loadshedding, stable currency and less debt. Overall, Pakistan was much better off under him than under any other govt.

  5. Pragmatic.

    He should have opened a Pakistani mission in Tel Aviv. Israel controls America. Pakistan would have reaped many benefits by being friends with America's blue eyed boy

  6. Old times in India some saint had said: 'Pandit aur mashaalchi dono ko soojhe naahin, auran ko kar chaandna aap andhere maahin'.

  7. I cannot believe how idealistic and stupid the Pakistani nation has become. And hypocritical too. Everyone talks about how the west is targeting muslims and they want to destroy the ummah and what not. Take a hike fellas. The west doesn't need to destroy us. We're self-imploding. The "ummah" was finished the day the khilafat went down. And who brought it down? A MUSLIM BY THE NAME OF MUSTAFA KAMAL. The existence of Israel is a harsh reality, and the sooner we come to terms with it, the sooner we can start moving forward and try tackling our problems head-on. We don't have electricity, water, gas, security of life. And these things aren't created by the west. These are our own short-comings. The US or Israel doesn't need to destroy us, all they need to do is sit back and relax. We're going down the crapper anyway. And why doesn't anyone complain about Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Qatar having recognised the existence of Israel? They're also muslim nations. Get out of the 18th century where everything was concerned with honour. We have no honour left. every hair on every pakistani's body is indebted to the IMF, if you guys have so much honour, go pay off all the debts and then never ask for "jewish" money. And on top of that, everyone sings praises of the west being satan, how many of you actually will not immigrate to the US or Canada or the UK given an open opportunity? I can bet everything i have all of the "high moral" pakistanis would flock to the west.

    And yes, this is a pakistani in the Australia writing this.

    • I could not agree with you more. You have really hit the nail on the head. Pakistanis live in denial. I have been to Israel and shal be going there soon. The people at the airport er frendlier than those at the pakistani airports.
      Israel is one year younger than Pakistan.Care to compare.?Israel does not need to destroy us, we are destroying ourselves.

  8. Who the hell he is to suggest others what they should do. He could not take care of his own things and he is suggesting others for their internal affairs. He has no sense to take and just try to please america.

  9. they should all lay down arms and concentrate on the more important things in life…the poor and homeless people in all walks of life…anyone in politics are full of s#*t…how many more people need to die in senseless wars that are based on money and greed…pathetic

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