Industry in shambles


Driving on the city roads these days, one would not miss an array of stylish exotic sedans and luxury cars of different makes and models in large numbers evoking one’s mind how these vehicles have so suddenly flocked into our market. This has happened because schemes for overseas Pakistanis are turned into a business opportunity whenever it is worthwhile, for that reason the crucial components of the policy that govern the scheme are always kept subject to change, any time. It is the “age limit” and the “depreciation” that essentially makes and unmakes the opportunity; and one would easily check out that when these were at higher level were indeed the periods of opportunity.
In present times these are at the highest ever level so those in the field are making their best of the opportunity. Keeping the policy subject to change and maintaining an uncertainty with regard to possible change any time enables the beneficiaries to control the market and bring their opportunity close to perfection.
Pakistan imported over 42000 used vehicles in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2011-12. These vehicles reduced the demand of locally manufactured cars, created environmental hazards and resulted in thousands of lost job opportunities. It has stopped all investment plans of the local car manufacturers.