Drone strike kills ‘at least five’ in NWA


A US drone strike targeting a militant compound in North Waziristan killed at least five militants late on Tuesday, security officials said. The unmanned aircraft fired two missiles on the compound in the Shawal area, 50 kilometres southwest of Miranshah, the main town of the agency. The area is considered to be a hub of Taliban and al Qaeda activity. “At least five militants have been killed and three have been wounded. The compound was completely destroyed,” a senior security official based in Peshawar told AFP. All those killed were fighters linked with local warlord Hafiz Gul Bahadur, another security official based in Miranshah told AFP. Bahadur, who is allied with Afghan Taliban, is accused of fighting US-led troops across the border.


  1. Somebody needs to remind kiayani that when he joined the army he took an oath to "defend the country". So much for his oath. He has sold out to politicians who only temporarily occupy the president and prime minister's house. After a while there will be new occupants but the army officer takes an oath for life. I doubt he understands this. Court martial of Brigadier Ali is a way to silence the only army officer who took his oath serious. This nation should be ashamed to stay silent on persecution of an honorable army officer and at the same time honor a coward army chief. Not one single officer resigned for failure to detect foreign invasion and not one high ranking officer resigned for their failure to defend Pakistan against foreign invasion. No wonder Pakistan army has never ever won one single war. They were defeated and they surrendered. This is their track record!!!

    • that territory is not in control of Pakistan…its united emirates of taliban..they collect taxes, punish people, kill pakistani soldiers and police and run this place..so your argument to defend country is not valid…! what actually you are saying is…THAT KIYANI SHOULD DEFEND AL QAEDA AND TALIBAN……SHAME ON YOU………….YOU SICK TALIBAN APOLOGIST.

      • @Dilawar Afridi. Maybe we should call their foreign minister in and lodge a protest 🙂 I have seen many stupid people but you beat them all. Just because that territory is not in control of Pakistan does not make it somebody else's. Its still within the border lines of Pakistan. By your logic, any place that the Pakistani govt. does not have control over, would be considered another country. Are parts of Karachi a foreign country too? MQM controls parts of that city. kiayani took an oath to defend "ALL" of Pakistan, not just the parts that the govt. "CAN" control. Got it you stupid moron?

  2. There are so many foreign fighters stationed in N.waziristan. Also Osama was in Pakistan. Is it also not an invasion of Pakistan by foreigners ?

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