Pakistan says won’t tolerate intrusions


Pakistan lashed out at Afghanistan for failing to prevent cross-border militant attacks in Dir district in which scores of Pakistani soldiers were killed, including seven who were beheaded by militants on Monday.
Pakistani authorities also raised the recent cross-border attacks in Dir with the US and NATO officials across the border in Afghanistan, cautioning them that the continuation of these assaults by the Taliban from Afghan soil would have negative impact on the ongoing efforts by Islamabad and Washington to repair the damaged and strained relations.
According to diplomatic sources said, Pakistani authorities warned the Afghan government that in case there were no halt to cross border militant attacks then Pakistan would be left with no other option but to go for ‘hot pursuit’ of Taliban militants.
“Pakistani authorities respect the sovereignty of Afghanistan but it is also extremely perturbed over the killing of its soldiers in these cross border attacks and it has the right to use all options to protect its sovereignty including the hot pursuit of militants,” said a source, requesting anonymity.
The Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, said a strong protest was lodged with the Afghan government with a demand of all possible measures to stop the militants’ attacks in its border areas.
“The Afghan deputy head of mission was called to the Foreign Office and a strong protest was launched on the intrusion of militants from the Afghan side into Pakistani territory,” said Foreign Office spokesman Moazzam Khan.
On Sunday night, about 100 militants from across the border entered Dir and clashed with a Pakistani security force patrolling party. In the exchange of fire, 11 militants were killed, six security personnel lost their life, while 11 soldiers went missing.
The militants beheaded seven of the missing soldiers on Monday.
“The Afghan diplomat was informed that the government of Afghanistan should take appropriate measures to prevent recurrence of similar incidents in the future,” Khan said.
Pakistani authorities believe that Maulvi Fazlullah led Swat Taliban, who fled to Afghanistan after being defeated in Swat, are responsible for the spate of border attacks on Pakistani posts.
The militants also fired two rockets from across the border on Sunday followed by sniper fire into Pakistani territory in Tripaman heights, Lower Dir, according to a military official.
He also confirmed the Sunday night attack, saying more than 100 miscreants from safe havens from across the border intruded into Pakistani territory and had a clash with Pakistani patrolling party.
“Reportedly, Pakistani troops killed 14 miscreants. In the encounter six soldiers embraced shahadat while 11 soldiers went missing. Out of whom, 7 soldiers have been reportedly killed and then beheaded,” he said.


  1. Been hearing this for the last few years. Its not like anybody pays any attention anymore. They know Pakistan army is led by an incompetent coward and there is noting to be afraid of. I don't even know why Pakistan even protests any more. Kiayani can stick his nuclear wepons up his back side. Its become a joke. Pakistan army gets beaten by school children 🙂

    • I agree with the reader on his statement. To add: We also need to look at the developments made by Pakistan Army during Kiyani's era in terms of conventional war heads. Forget about development, we even need to look into as to whether our existing stock (including nukes) even exist?

      • I don't think so that our nuke exist…I think our Army need to review their training…It looks like that they can't fight anymore…

        • @Daddy, @Anonymous, @sarfraz:
          Hay guys! do you want Gen Kayani to nuke Afghanistan?
          Yahi Atom Bomb ki hekadi aap ko le doobegi.
          Pakistan's ruling classes are just loitering with nuke in their hands, do not know what to do with it.
          By looking at that nuke, people like Daddy, Anonymous and sarfraz are going mad.

  2. what you sow you will reap. Pakistan have been exporting these extremists to both Afghanistan and India for the last 30 yeas. Our country was destroyed due to your devil policy of STRATEGIC DEPTH but now when the same extremists turn their guns to your army, you shout to us(Afghans). If your so called professional army can not prevent Haqqani network from attacking in our country, how can our army prevent fazlullah from attacking pakistani army. If you have ability to persuit millitants like US-as they persuit OSB in your country- most wellcome.Dont threaten us from sending your army to our country because we have experience how to deal with foreigners and we would be so happy to awenge all those atrocities pakistani generals did in our country.

    • Excuse me Mr. Khan, you had your extremists well before the taliban came, in the form of the mujahideen which were supported by none other than the CIA, ISI, Saudis, Egyptians and even Israel! That also included bin laden! Those same "mujh" turned into different warring factions after the soviets left and thus the taliban was born eventually out of all the turmoil. Pakistan supported them just so that a) there was some level of stability in your country and b) yes to counter India's influence on the northern alliance. But to say we exported extremism to afghanistan is pure bs – in fact its the other way around sir – we took in over 4 million of your uneducated, fundamentalist refugees of whom 1.7 million are still here spreading a warped version of extremist islam here. Pakistan never had a serious extremism problem before all you afghans and "afghan-arabs" showed up here. Therefore, apart from being ungrateful, you are also quiet ignorant. Cheers.

      • My dear friend, you want to counter indias influence in Afghanistan but can not solve your internal issues. You have bigger issues than Afghanistan. You have balochistan , karachi , TTP , electrical , economical , religious extremists, DPC , muddrassas and suicide issues. You have atomic power but dont have electricity. If you can not confront India economically, millitarily and educationally, it is better to leave enmity with her and dont drag us to your confrontation. Pakistan has never won any battle against foreigners yet they turn the region to battle ground. Regarding refugees, it was your generals chanting that JEHADE AFGHANISTAN-DIFAE PAKISTAN.

  3. If it were Afghanistan alone, then they would have felt the rough end of the stick. However, the Americans are doing this by colluding with the Afghan forces. Therefore, Pakistan is back to square one.
    The Americans will extract their pound of flesh for no action against the Haqqani group and for closing the NATO supply route. Salams

  4. I am worried we have behind the scenes co-operation with US. This gives us (RAW) strategic advantage over your very formidable ISI. We have miserably failed to take in to consideration that 85% of the Pashtoo speaking Patahns are like brothers to those living in Pakistan. The tables could be turned on us just as equally quickly. COULD PEOPLE BE MORE SENSIBLE.

  5. If Pak threatens with "hot pursuit", why was the hue and cry about the same when Panetta threatened Pakistan with the same hot pursuit. What is good for the goose must be good for the gander as well.

  6. Pakistan is the only nuclear armed nation in the world, which silently allows enemy to not only attack and kill its soldiers, but behead them as well. And, I must say that credit for all this goes to Pervaiz Musharraf, who is solely responsible for taking away any and every fear of a nuclear power, from the hearts of its enemies. This pseudo commando has caused irrepairable damage to the image & reputation of Pakistan.

  7. That is the out come what our forces have done at west Border..Now they have to fight on East and West… Americans have done perfect job to engage our forces on both fronts…Our Army high command should review its policy about East otherwise alot more damage will be in next two years.They have to fix their mistakes and get them out of US war…We already lost alot, due to this meaning-less war..We dragged the Afghan War to our homeland…..Now Afghan are getting Dollars to kill our Security Forces……………It Time to Change Lords…

  8. Nato Under the Cover of Taliban is doing this from last five year…I am not surprised why PAK Army is not talking about it????

  9. Only the strategy of 'strategic depth' has destroyed Afghanistan.
    Pakistan has not yet discarded that policy. This may lead to some serious damage to Pakistan's interests also.

  10. Wait a minute guys !
    Most probably Afghanistan is just providing 'moral and diplomatic support to the freedom fighters'

    • Oh ! yes, yes, my dear, I forgot about 'moral and diplomatic support'. This a potent weapon which can be used in support of freedom fighters of Balochistan.

    • My dear anwar, there are many a people commenting here, who do not want any thing less than Atom Bomb to used against Afghanistan. Instead of anti-aircraft weapons, nukes should be handedover to groups called 'strategic assests', only then, your army can sit back and relax. They will take care of all neighbours including Afghanistan.

  11. What wont we tolerate? To put salt on our woulds, the usa just had a drone strike!!! Our army is useless, just knows how to do business.

    • If you want peace, you will have war.

      If you want life, you will have death.

      If you willing to fight, think hard and clever, and die, you may have a chance of survival. Because mush made the idiotic mistake of letting the yanks in and his idiotic U turn.

      If you open NATO supplies, you are digging your own grave over time with a zeal of a fool.

  12. You will NOT have any peace. You will have WAR. The yanks are in afghanistan to make conditions to make a HORRIBLE example of you with INDIA on the other side for the KHAZAR Jews.

    You will be stripped NAKED of your NUKES. India and USA (aka Al-Qaida) will launch simultaneous attacks from two sides or more.

    Then the turn is of China and Russia.

    The Kingdom of Khazaria is more than half the Russian mainland filled with Minerals and Oil. It is the promised lands of the Khazar Jews and their ancient Kingdom.

  13. You will NOT have any peace. You will have WAR. The yanks are in afghanistan to make conditions to make a HORRIBLE example of you with INDIA on the other side for the KHAZAR Jews.

    You will be stripped NAKID of your NUKES. India and USA (aka Al-Qaida) will launch simultaneous attacks from two sides or more.

    Then the turn is of China and Russia.

    The Kingdom of Khazaria is more than half the Russian mainland filled with Minerals and Oil. It is the promised lands of the Khazar Jews and their ancient Kingdom.

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