Another coalition before elections is on cards: Nawaz


Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz President Nawaz Sharif has announced that a major wide-ranging political coalition will be unveiled before the general elections.
Addressing the inauguration ceremony of a newly-formed secretariat of the PML-N on Monday, Nawaz said the new secretariat would be a major think-tank for development and progress of the country.
He said the PML-N had a very talented and experienced team that was well-versed in the art of governance, with ideas that could change the socio-economic-political scenario of the federation. Reminding his audience about many past successful endeavors of the PML-N for overseas Pakistanis, he said there were more in the offing for the right talent.
Nawaz also resolved that some very major and important projects/policies would be evolved in the newly-established secretariat.
Castigating the government, he said the masses would never forget the faces who were currently abetting President Asif Zardari’s government.
Addressing Zardari, Nawaz asked as to how many more prime ministers would he sacrifice on the altar of his laundered wealth in the Swiss banks. “Currently the main question that dominates the scenario is about the exact departure date of President Zardari himself,” he said.


  1. He talks from both sides of his mouth. Zardari is in his position because pmln supported him. Nawaz is losing support on daily basis and he is getting desparate. He needs to answer where his wealth came from and how much tax did he pay on that wealth.

  2. Nawaz realised his weak political position in next election therefore, he want to go in typical 90s politics i.e. PPP vs Right WIng. But here the competition is between Right and Wrong i.e. PTI vs Status quo

  3. Nawaz Shareef himself is dishonest person and corrupt politician. He should be ashamed of when he is saying this to zardari because there is no difference between him and zardari. They are two sides of the same coin. Now shareefs brothers are under immense pressure from the king khan Imran Khan are getting desperate for their political survival. But, Inshallah, for them writing is on the wall and so is for zardari.
    This election will see the demise of both and so the looters. Enough is enough, pakistan and the pakistanis have to rise from this abysmal state of affairs. Inshallah Imran Khan will lead the recovery and the rise of pakistan to glory which was visioned by Allama Iqbal and the great Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

  4. There have been many grand coalitions in the past winning elections and then faring worse than their predecessors. The system needs to be changed, not faces, Mr Sharif.

  5. all the crao of politics and ststus quo parties will be having coalition with pmln

  6. Nawaz Sharif should spare Pakistan. We all know him. He and his brother are campaigning against loadshedding. Actually, they are the ones who are responsible for this problem. Please recall BB's second tenure. She inherited loadshedding from her predecssor (Nawaz's first term). She had a vision and realised that inherited loadshedding had to be controlled. Not only that she planned to cater for increase in future demand. The government vigoriously pursued development of energy resources. But it was scandalised by Nawaz & Co that price agreed with IPPs was way above international level and also that we did not need so much electricity which was planned to be produced. Subsequently, he was proved wrong on both accounts. BB got rid of loadshedding before she was sacked by Farooq Leghari in connivance with Nawaz & Army. When Nawaz came to power again with a manipulated two-thirds majority, we did not see any new projects with cheaper prices. Musharraf also worked with the same mindset. And here we stand today. Speaks volumes about his and his team's competence.

  7. Nothing is worse than coalitions and more so grand coalitions. Coalition governments are tied in chains and are impotent, always being blackmailed by their partners posessing nuisance value (jiey Fazlurahman and jiey mqm). Coalition khappay, khappay, khappay, pakistan ka khuda hafiz.

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