Arrest warrants of Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din panics PPP


Issuance of arrest warrants of Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din, who is also the nominee of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) for premiership, has panicked the party.
Anti-narcotics court, on Thursday, issued non-bailable arrest warrants of Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din.
According to sources, PPP’s constitutional experts have started considering possible future consequences of the release of warrants against Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din and the resultant criticism in case he gets elected as the Prime Minister.
In wake of the scenario, Secretary Information PPP, Qamar Zaman Kaira has also submitted the nomination papers as a candidate for premiership.
Sources told Online co-chairman PPP, President Asif Ali Zardari had directed Qamar Zaman Kaira to submit his papers in the National Assembly Secretariat.
Former Law Minister and leader PPP, Farooq H. Naik said hurdles were being created in the path of election of the new Prime Minister and the decision of nominating Qamar Zaman Kaira was taken in view of the current situation.
If a new decision is taken regarding nominees for the seat of Prime Minister, it will come directly from President Asif Ali Zardari with whom the power of decision-making rests, but so far Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din will contest elections for premiership, he added.


  1. pakistan People and leaders are determined for democracy now their struggle will get success such type case notkeep them behind their democracy aim.

    • i feel pitty on you and your narrow minded thinking, after all of this you still protecting such culprits, because of ppl like you this country cant progress.. hats of to you brother ..

      • @Abbas,I also feel pity on @Abbas' simple and duffer mind who does nt understand Pakistani politics living in Pakistan. This is a conflict between people living in two areas of Pakistan. It is like Two Nation Theory presented by Jinnah in United India. Now another 4 nations theory is applied to Pakistan. The bureaucracy and establishment dominated by people from a particular area of Pakistan (Punjab) does not like PPP leadership becoz the PPP leadership does not belong to the area dominated by establishment people. This will lead Pakistan into 4 countries already being realized by international experts who know what is actually going on in Pakistan under the surface which people like Abbas unable to understand. They will only weep at the results.

  2. Mr Asif Ali Zardari if your government completes the five year term it will make no real difference for the ordinary masses, And neither for the Guiness Book of Records! But if you have an iota of Integrity you will dissolve the present Parliament/s and allow the formation of an Interim Government led by a person acceptable to the nation. If your party and allies win then you have five more years on the ferris-wheel! In the mean time stop sending your buffoons up the scaffold, you know well the executioner awaits
    their arrival!

    • I also feel pity on @Abbas' simple and duffer mind who does nt understand Pakistani politics living in Pakistan. This is a conflict between people living in two areas of Pakistan. It is like Two Nation Theory presented by Jinnah in United India. Now another 4 nations theory is applied to Pakistan. The bureaucracy and establishment dominated by people from a particular area of Pakistan (Punjab) does not like PPP leadership becoz the PPP leadership does not belong to the area dominated by establishment people. This will lead Pakistan into 4 countries already being realized by international experts who know what is actually going on in Pakistan under the surface which people like Abbas unable to understand. They will only weep at the results.

  3. Il est donc évident que les juges de la Cour suprême ont fait connaître leur présence en agissant contre l'homme qui tient la position la plus élevée dans le pays. Par ce que je veux dire Monsieur Asif Zardari, qui a introduit le présent sur ​​lui par son action stupide. Il a maintenu un contrôle serré sur la partie et ne tolère aucune dissidence.

    Le modèle de Asif Zardari a été, étrangement, M. Altaf Hussain qui dirige son parti dans un style de la mafia.

    Je souhaite Asif Zardari avait écouté ses sages conseils pour restaurer le pouvoir judiciaire sans hésitation, mais malheureusement, il n'a pas fait. Toutefois, lorsque le pouvoir judiciaire a été restauré le dommage a déjà été fait.

    Il semble que les juges continueront de donner un moment difficile de Asif Zardari. Ce n'est pas tout le confort pour moi comme un ami du Pakistan ou même toute pakistanais, La Cour suprême apparaîtra alors politisé qu'il est devenu.

    Le juge en chef du Pakistan, si oui, est soucieux de garantir l'État de droit, alors il doit enquêter sur son fils qui est accusé d'avoir accepté de l'argent et d'autres avantages de M. Malik Riaz.

      Je tiens également à rappeler aux dirigeants des partis oppostion qui se réjouissaient de la période difficile pour le parti de M. le Président becasue ils peuvent être la cible de ces juges quand ils viennent pour le pouvoir et gouverner le pays. Assurément, ils ne vont pas aimer l'interférence de la magistrature.

    • Translation:

      It is therefore clear that the Supreme Court judges have made ​​their presence known by acting against the man holding the highest position in the country. By that I mean Mr. Asif Zardari, who brought this upon himself by his stupid actions. He maintained tight control over the party and tolerates no dissent.

      The model of Asif Zardari was, strangely, Mr. Altaf Hussain who heads his party in a mafia style. I hope Asif Zardari had listened to his sage advice to restore the judiciary without hesitation, but unfortunately it did not. However, when the judiciary has been restored the damage has already been done. It seems that judges continue to give a tough time of Asif Zardari. It's not all the comfort for me as a friend of Pakistan or even any Pakistani Supreme Court will then appear that it has become politicized.

      The Chief Justice of Pakistan, if so, is keen to ensure the rule of law, then he must investigate her son who is accused of accepting money and other benefits from Mr. Malik Riaz. I also want to remind the leaders of oppostion parties who rejoiced at the difficult time for the party of the President becasue they can be the target of the judges when they come to power and govern the country. Surely, they will not like the interference of the judiciary.

  4. Asiz Zardari intentially putting forwards well known culprits for the PM job, so later they can be 'polictial martyrs'. This unknown shahbuddin and rental ashraf, both are presently under investigation from authorities for misconduct. But Zardari admant to nominate only crooks! must be a reason behing it

  5. are there any non-criminals in PPP? Right, there aren't any…time to shut this government down

    • @AzamI also feel pity on @Abbas' simple and duffer mind who does nt understand Pakistani politics living in Pakistan. This is a conflict between people living in two areas of Pakistan. It is like Two Nation Theory presented by Jinnah in United India. Now another 4 nations theory is applied to Pakistan. The bureaucracy and establishment dominated by people from a particular area of Pakistan (Punjab) does not like PPP leadership becoz the PPP leadership does not belong to the area dominated by establishment people. This will lead Pakistan into 4 countries already being realized by international experts who know what is actually going on in Pakistan under the surface which people like Abbas unable to understand. They will only weep at the results.

  6. In the end, it will be Hina Rabbani Khar. She has some assetts that she could use for international diplomacy 🙂

  7. It looks like end of Pakistan is near.

    India can attack u anytime. With pak army already violating ceasefire, India is planning an navy attack to liberate Balochistan.

    • And country is back to crisis of 1971 when Punjabies of in Lahore were crying and striking their heads against governor house walls. Punjabi mentalit resulted in Bangladesh, now it will result into 4. Punjab will arrange port facilities with Mumbai or Chinnai

  8. @Saqib Tahir, And country is back to crisis of 1971 when Punjabies of in Lahore were crying and striking their heads against governor house walls. Punjabi mentalit resulted in Bangladesh, now it will result into 4. Punjab will arrange port facilities with Mumbai or Chinnai

  9. Lets pray to Allah for four peacefull nations namely

  10. The PPP needs to do its homework better. So many lawyers in their employ, including the AG and none mentioned an investigation concerning narcotics. No wonder the country is in a mess

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