Balochistan Assembly approves budget for FY 2012-13


The Balochistan Assembly on Tuesday unanimously approved the provincial budget for the fiscal year 2012-13.
Finance Minister Mir Asim Kurd moved total 51 demands for grants of next year’s budget 2012-13, including 42 pertaining to non-development expenditures and nine to the annual development programme. The total amount of 42 demands for grants pertaining to non-development expenditures was Rs 114.42 billion and the amount of nine other relating to development schemes was Rs 35 billion.
The house unanimously granted approval to these demands for grants of the next provincial budget.
A huge sum of Rs 22.45 billion was allocated in the next financial budget for the non-development expenditures of the education sector. This money would be spent for renovation and construction of buildings of the Education Department. Rs 13.17 billion were earmarked for general administration, including organs of state, fiscal administration, economic regulation, statistics and publicity and information. Another amount of Rs 7.50 billion was allocated for pensions and Rs 5.94 billion were earmarked for Balochistan Police. The Levies Force was given Rs 3.66 billion and civil works and establishment charges, Rs 5.91 billion. Rs 2.18 billion were allocated in respect of public health services and Rs 3.4 billion for dealing with disasters caused by natural calamities.
The Balochistan government earmarked Rs 5.21 billion for agriculture sector and Rs 6.71 billion for rural development. The energy development sector was given Rs 4.7 billion. The demands for grants of development expenditure include Rs 5.36 billion for General Public Services, Rs 20.8 billion for Economic Affairs, Rs 2.7 billion for Environment Protection, Rs 2.95 billion for Housing and Community Amenities and Rs 2.35 billion for Educational Affairs and Services. The house also gave exception to Nawab Ghaus Bakhsh Raisani Memorial Hospital Bill 2012 from the Balochistan Assembly Rules and Regulations 1974. The legislators expressed their satisfaction and happiness over approval of next fiscal budget for 2012-13. Later, the house was adjourned until June 20.