UN Security Council threatens Yemen sanctions


The UN Security Council on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution threatening sanctions against groups seen undermining Yemen’s political transition and staging attacks in the country.
The family and supporters of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, though not named in the resolution, are a particular target of the warning in Resolution 2051, diplomats said. The 15-nation council gave strong support to the efforts of President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi’s efforts to reform the security and armed forces and launch a national conference of rival parties and factions.
The council said it “demands the cessation of all actions aimed at undermining the govt of national unity and the political transition” after Saleh’s departure. It demanded a halt to attacks on oil, gas and electricity infrastructure and to “interference” in government efforts to name new heads of the armed forces.
The council expressed its “readiness to consider further measures, including under Article 41 of the UN Charter if such actions continue.” The article allows for mainly economic sanctions, such as an assets freeze and travel ban.