PSF assists S&T organisations


Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) is providing financial assistance to different schools and Science and Technology (S & T) organisations for their science propagation activities. The PSF assists the universities and research institutions by providing them Institutional Support Grants for the purchase of lab equipment, chemicals, literature etc. to strengthen the research capabilities of these institutions. Talking to APP, PSF Spokesperson Rehana Batool said, “We also arrange science caravans or mobile science exhibitions in remote areas, in order to give firsthand knowledge of science to the youth”. These caravans are mounted on specially designed vehicles. They consist of display items like panel exhibits having photographs and write-ups, equipment, inflatable planetarium, documentaries, microscopes, computers, laser holograms and working models reflecting various phenomena of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology. At present, nine science caravan units are in operation, two for each of the four provinces and one is stationed at Islamabad, she said. There are many scientific societies and learned bodies, disciplinary as well as general, in the country which are actively engaged in the promotion of science and technology. Of these, 28 are registered with PSF. They are rendering their services by holding conferences, seminars, workshop on various scientific topics and publication of Scientific Journals and periodicals in their respective fields. Rehana Batool said PSF provides grants-in-aid to these societies and learned bodies for holding of conferences and publication of scientific journals.